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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J. (Jasper) Veldman


Condition-based reallocation and maintenance for a 1-out-of-2 pairs balanced system

Process improvement under the reference price effect

Developing a shared supplier with endogenous spillovers

The Interplay Between Supplier-Specific Investments and Supplier Dependence: Do Two Pluses Make a Minus?

Collaboration in the offshore wind farm decommissioning supply chain

Joint condition-based maintenance and condition-based production optimization

Joint condition-based maintenance and load-sharing optimization for two-unit systems with economic dependency

Service operation vessels for offshore wind farm maintenance: Optimal stock levels

Condition-Based Production Planning: Adjusting Production Rates to Balance Output and Failure Risk

On the design of managerial incentives for sustainability investments in the presence of competitors


Zorgen over oude installaties raffinaderijen nemen toe

Geld voor onderzoek naar windmolenparken op zee