prof. dr. J. (Jasper) Veldman

Jasper Veldman is professor of Operations Management at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen. He obtained his MSc in Business Administration (2004) from the University of Groningen and defended his PhD thesis (2011) at the same university. His PhD thesis revolved around process improvement concepts for engineering & maintenance contractors. From 2009 until 2013 he was assistant professor at the University of Twente, and he returned to Groningen in August 2013. He was the initiator and co-project leader of the NWO- and TKI Dinalog-funded project ‘Sustainable service logistics for offshore wind farms’, and was PhD coordinator at SOM in the academic year 2016/2017. Together with Onur Kilic and Ruud Teunter he was involved in the NWO project SLOEP: Service Logistics for Offshore Energy Production. He is the former program coordinator of the MSc Technology and Operations Management (TOM).
Jasper Veldman’s research interests are technology management (particularly maintenance management) and strategic operations (particularly strategic decisions in supply chains), often with a focus on energy. Recently he started to look at the implications of the right to repair movement.
His research has been published in various international journals, including International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management and Journal of Supply Chain Management. His research has been awarded the Highly Commended Award for Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering and together with Niels Pulles, Holger Schiele and Henk Sierksma he was runner up in the best paper competition of the Journal of Supply Chain Management (2014). He is involved in the supervision of PhD students Luuk Pentinga, Zeming Wang and Jasper Bakker, and was supervisor of Lisa Hüttinger (2014, University of Twente), Niels Pulles (2014, University of Twente), Minou Olde Keizer (2016, University of Groningen) and Michiel uit het Broek (2020, University of Groningen).
Laatst gewijzigd: | 28 februari 2024 13:55 |