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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. J.F. (Jan Folkert) Deinum

dr. J.F. (Jan Folkert) Deinum

Senior onderwijskundig adviseur en onderzoek
Profielfoto van dr. J.F. (Jan Folkert) Deinum
050 36 36779 (+31503636779)
050 36 36779 (+31503636779)

  • PO WER (Master of Didactics, project manager for the input of University of Groningen). The project aims to train lecturers of Polish universities on quality of their teaching. Furthermore, the project aims to establish a sustainable support structure at Polish Universities for professional development of teachers on teaching quality [2018-2022, EU ESF funding]
  • SAAL (Southern African Academic Leadership; course designer and provider together with Erasmus University Rotterdam): Provinding training for academic middle managers (typically: heads of departments) on academic leadership [2018-2020, sponsored by the government of South Africa and Tshwane University of Technology]
  • E-assessment innovations (DiTo2020, project coordinator). The University of Groningen aims for 80% of all paper exams done electronically by the end of 2020. The DiTo2020 project in addition aims to innovate the educational and organizational qualty of e-assessment [2012-2020, sponsored by University of Groningen]
  • TeachEX (project member, senior advisor). Supporting Israelian Universities with the development of Professional Develoment of their teachers. [2015-2018, EU Erasmus+ funding]
  • Brecil (project member, senior advisor). Supporting two Malaysian and two Laos universities in strenthening their research capacity and governance [2017-2020, EU Erasmus+ funding]
  • MOOC quality assurance. University of Groningen develops and provides MOOCs since 2015. Responsible for the educational quality of the MOOCs. The quality of the content of the MOOC is the responsibility of the respective faculty [2015-..., several sponsorships]
  • Institutional Research (coordinator). Institutional research, evaluation and quality assurance for the University of Groningen. [unlimited timing; sponsored by University of Groningen]
  • vZnS (project manager). Implementation and research of teacher observation structure for 12 schools of secondary education in the Northern Part of the Netherlands [2012-2017, sponsored by the Dutch Ministry for Education]
Laatst gewijzigd:25 juni 2022 00:25