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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. H. (Harriëtte) Riese


Latent class analysis in a transdiagnostic psychiatric population to identify classes of psychosocial functioning: Using data from routine clinical practice

The use of Experience Sampling Method in psychopharmacological studies: A systematic review

Childhood abuse v. neglect and risk for major psychiatric disorders

Circadian markers as a predictor of response in the treatment of depression: A systematic review

Day-to-day affect fluctuations in adults with childhood trauma history: a two-week ecological momentary assessment study

Designing daily-life research combining experience sampling method with parallel data

Externally validated clinical prediction models for estimating treatment outcomes for patients with a mood, anxiety or psychotic disorder: systematic review and meta-analysis

Fluctuations of prolonged grief disorder reactions in the daily life of bereaved people: an experience sampling study

Fractal motor activity during wakefulness and sleep: A window into depression recency and symptom recurrence


Coaching of Personnel Potential

Comment on Pavlova and Uher (2020)

Radio interview Therap-i project

Depressie te lijf met je smartphone

Rethinking Personality

Onderzoek naar depressie: patiënt in de spotlights

Onderzoek naar depressie

Research into depression

NESDA deelstudie naar alledaagse schommelingen in stemming