dr. H. (Harriëtte) Riese
Universitair hoofddocent (UHD)

Research Interests
Bridging the gap between science and clinical practice using personalized analyses and e-health applications (iLab, ilab-psychiatry.nl; Therap-i, therap-i.com& PETRA, petrapsy.nl). I found that ESM can only be successfully implemented in clinical practice when, in line with what clinicians do, ESM items and feedback are personalized. In my ongoing Therap-i RCT we use not-fully automated tools for monitoring and subsequently creating personalized feedback as add-on to psychological care-as-usual for severely depressed patients. This study inspired the development of the PETRA tool. PETRA is a smart tool guiding clinicians in integrating personalized EMA during regular consultations. PETRA is available in the Patient Health Record (PHR) in eight mental health care institutions, including our own department of psychiatry.
Ambulatory psychophysiology (e.g., actigraphy or heart rate variability) in relation to mental health
Programs for education of (PhD/Msc) students, researchers and clinicians (nurses, psychologists, psychiatrist) on using ESM in clinical practice, e.g., n=1 designs.
Complex dynamical system theory and its application to psychopathology using individual time-series experiments (TRANS-ID, transid.nl)
Investigating the course of depression and anxiety disorders over a period of several years in The Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA, www.nesda.nl).
Supervision PhD candidates as promotor - ongoing
D. Quadackers. ESM monitoring and feedback of side effects of psychopharmaca. RuG 2026
S. Druiven. Circadian rhythm mechanisms in mood disorders. RuG 2024
Supervision PhD candidates as promotor - completed
L. von Klipstein. Therap-i: Implementing an innovative person oriented self-management application in clinical care for individuals with depressive symptoms. RuG 2024
O. Minaeva. The battle of the biological clock: deregulation of the circadian rhythm in depressed individuals. RuG 2024
J. Burger. The future of case formulation: Advancements in network modeling and simulation-based science. RuG 2023 (cum laude)
Y. Kunkels. TRANS-ID: Complex dynamical system theory and its application to psychopathology using individual time-series experiments. RuG 2023
T. Man. Genetic and environmental determinants of blood pressure: the role of stress, obesity and the autonomic nervous system. RuG 2022
B. Tegegne. The heart of the matter: Discovery of new genetic loci for heart rate variability and its relationship with blood pressure and mortality. RuG 2021
J.H.M. Hovenkamp-Hermelink. The long-term course of anxiety disorders. An epidemiological perspective. RuG 2020
Supervision PhD candidates as copromotor - completed
A. Sas. Genetic and environmental determinants of inflammatory markers: the role of aging and neuroticism. RuG 2019
L. van der Knaap. Epigenetic regulation: extending animal studies to human studies. Erasmus University Rotterdam 2015
B.F. Jeronimus. Neuroticism & environments. RuG 2015
M.N. Servaas. Neuroticism and the brain. Neuroimaging and genetic imaging studies on the personality trait neuroticism. RuG 2015
N.M. Bosch. Adolescents in stress. The ups and downs of the psychophysiological stress response. RuG 2011
E.M.C. Bouma. Gene-environment interactions in the development of adolescents’ depression. The role of psychosocial, stressful life events, gender and depression-related genes'. RuG 2010
Laatst gewijzigd: | 07 mei 2024 12:26 |