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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. E. (Bert) Otten


Explaining deep learning models for age-related gait classification based on acceleration time series

A Passive Polycentric Mechanism to Improve Active Mediolateral Balance in Prosthetic Walking

Establishing central sensitization inventory cut-off values in Dutch-speaking patients with chronic low back pain by unsupervised machine learning

Concurrent validation of the Xsens IMU system of lower-body kinematics in jump-landing and change-of-direction tasks

Inter-muscular coherence in speed skaters with skater's cramp

Muscular and kinematic features in speed skaters indicate a task-specific dystonia

Optimal and suboptimal video instructions change movement execution in young talented basketball players

Personality in speed skaters with skater's cramp: A preliminary cross-sectional study

Physical activity patterns of patients with chronic low back pain and central sensitization: insights from a machine learning method

Relationship between physical activity and central sensitization in chronic low back pain: Insights from machine learning

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Wat zou er gebeuren als je net als Barbie altijd op je tenen loopt?

Zijn Kangoo Jumps een oplossing voor hardlopers met veel blessures?

De e-bike: even gezond als de gewone fiets?

Building of Humania Exhibition in NEMO, science museum in Amsterdam

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