prof. dr. E. (Bert) Otten

Short CV Prof. Dr. E (Bert) Otten
As a biophysicist Bert Otten studies the movement control of humans at the Center of Human Movement Sciences in Groningen. He wrote his thesis in Leiden, entitled “Vision and Jaw Mechanism in the Cichlid Fish Haplochromis elegans”, which was recognized with a “cum laude” and the national “Kok” award for originality. He was a guest scientist at Harvard University during six summers, at the departments of functional morphology and bio-engineering and wrote 115 international scientific publications, mainly in the fields of biomechanics and movement control. He holds two patents on human body extensions. Presently he supervises 10 PhD students.
Some Papers:
1. Otten, E. 1999. Balancing on a narrow ridge: biomechanics and control. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. 354, 1- 8.
2. Otten, E. 2003. Inverse and forward dynamics: models of multi-body systems Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 1493 - 1500
3. Hof AL, Otten E. Assessment of two-dimensional induced accelerations from measured kinematic and kinetic data. Gait Posture. 2005 Nov;22(3):182-8. Epub 2004 Dec 7.
4. A.H. Vrieling, H.G. van Keeken, T. Schoppen, E. Otten, J.P.K. Halbertsma, A.L. Hof and K. Postema Obstacle crossing in lower limb amputees Gait Posture. Volume: 26, Issue: 4, Date: 2007 Oct , Pages: 587-94
5. van Keeken, H. G., Otten, E et al..2008. Controlling propulsive forces in gait initiation in transfemoral amputees. J Biomech Eng. Volume: 130, Issue: 1, Date: 2008
Supervision of the following PhD projects:
1. A. Schaafsma movement control of the elbow angle in humans (promotor Prof. dr. J.D. van Willigen, RuG)
2. C.H. Falkenstrøm development of an artificial human jaw joint. (promotores Prof. dr. G. Boering, RuG en Prof. dr. J.C. Cool, TU Twente)
3. L.C. Dijkgraaf pathology of the human jaw joint (promotor Prof. dr. L.G.M. de Bont, RuG)
4. G. Bijl signal processing in the human visual cortex (promotor Prof. dr. J.D. van Willigen, RuG)
5. F.R. Rozema application of biodegradable boneplates in the human jaw system (promotor Prof. dr. G. Boering, RuG)
6. J. Tams application of biodegradable boneplates in the human jaw system (promotor Prof. dr. L.G.M. de Bont, RuG)
7. J.P. van Loon application of biodegradable boneplates in the human jaw system (promotor Prof. dr. L.G.M. de Bont, RuG)
8. K. Scheepstra muscle spindles (promotor Prof. dr. J.D. van Willigen, RuG) (did not finish his thesis due to personal conditions)
9. G.E.C. Slager biomechanics and control of the human jaw system (promotor Prof. dr. J.D. van Willigen, RuG)
10. G.J. van Santen biomechanics and control of human hand muscles (promotor Prof. dr. J.M.K.H. Wierda, RuG)
11. H.G. van Keeken biomechanics and control of leg amputees (promotoren Prof. dr. E. Otten and Prof. dr. K. Postema)
12. A.H. Vrieling rehabilitation process of leg amputees (promotoren Prof. dr. E. Otten and Prof. dr. K. Postema)
13. A. Gökeler biomechanics and control of walking and stepping in patients with a reconstructed anterior cruciate ligament (promotoren Prof. dr. E. Otten and Prof. dr. K. Postema)
14. C. Cürtze influence of the stiffness and rolling properties of prosthetic feet on walking abilities in amputees. (promotoren Prof. dr. E. Otten and Prof. dr. K. Postema)
15. S. de Vries Motor imagery and Stroke (promotor Prof. dr. E. Otten)
16. B. van der Linde Motor development in children (promotor Prof. dr. E. Otten)
17. A. Benjaminse Prevention of ACL injury (promotor Prof. dr. E. Otten)
18. E. van Hal Development and testing of a new lower leg prosthesis with improved lateral balance (promotor Prof. dr. E. Otten and Prof.dr. K. Postema)
19. R. Hünneman Art as a brain prosthesis (promotor Prof. dr. E. Otten and Prof.dr. B. van Heusden)
20. A. Stoter Motor imagery and hand movements. (promotor Prof. dr. E. Otten)
21. S. Papegaaij Postural stability studied using TMS . (promotor Prof. dr. T. Hortobagyi and Prof. dr. E. Otten)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 01:20 |