prof. dr. E. (Edward) van 't Slot
1992-2001 Studies of Theology at the Department of Theology (Utrecht University); and Master of Divinity of the Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk in Utrecht. Main subject Philosophy of Religion, minor subjects New Testament and Hermeneutics (1997, University of Nottingham) and History of the Early Church. Master thesis on Karl Barth’s contribution to the theodicy debate.
2001 Ordained as a minister of the Dutch Reformed Church (from 2004: Protestant Church in the Netherlands), serving in Opende / Kornhorn (Groningen) until 2009 and in Zwolle from 2009 untill November 2015. From November 2015 minister in special service.
May 17th 2010: PhD (with honours), Protestant Theological University (Utrecht), thesis: Openbaringsnegativisme: Bonhoeffers kritiek op Barths actualistische geloofsbegrip.
From Spring 2012: president of the Dutch language section of the International Bonhoeffer Society.
September 2012-August 2014: Fellow of the Committee of Professors by Special Appointment, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Groningen (tenure track)
From September 2014: Professor (by special appointment) in Systematic Theology and Church in the 21st Century, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Groningen
From September 2015: Protestant Theological University Amsterdam / Groningen, Center for Professional Formation and Spirituality, Assistent Professor/Head (from September 2020).
Publications (selection)
2021: 'Kierkegaard's Works of Love as Mystical Literature with Psychological Consequences', in: M. De Kesel & A. Poirters, Mysticism and/as Love Theory, Peeters Louvain, 137-148
2019: Zondig dapper: Bonhoeffer over christelijk handelen, KokBoekencentrum Utrecht
2018: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, De levende kerk: Teksten over de kerk 1932-1933, vertaald en bezorgd door Edward van 't Slot, Boekencentrum Utrecht [Zie hier de tekst + een verantwoording van de reconstructie van de colleges over 'Het wezen van de kerk']
2015: Het zevende 'maar'. Het filosofische gesprek tussen academie en kerk (Inaugural lecture, University of Groningen)
2015: Negativism of Revelation? Bonhoeffer and Barth on Faith and Actualism (Dogmatik in der Moderne 12), Mohr Siebeck Tübingen
2015: ‘Die christologische Konzentration: Anfang und Durchführung’, Zeitschrift für dialektische Theologie Heft 61, Jhrg. 31 (2015/1), 12-31
2013: ‘The Freedom of Scripture: Bonhoeffer’s Changing View of Biblical Canonicity’, in: R.K. Wüstenberg / J. Zimmermann (eds.), God Speaks to Us: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Biblical Hermeneutics (International Bonhoeffer Interpretations 5), Peter Lang Frankfurt, 101-122
2011: ‘Theonomy and Analogy in Ecclesiology: Sources in Barth and Bonhoeffer for a Dynamic Ecclesiology’, Zeitschrift für dialektische Theologie Supplement Series 5, 45-58
2010: Openbaringsnegativisme: Bonhoeffers kritiek op Barths actualistische geloofsbegrip, Boekencentrum Academic Zoetermeer
2004: ‘Karl Barth over “Das Nichtige”’, Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 58, 226-238
Last modified: | 02 March 2023 07.46 a.m. |