prof. dr. E.P. (Pieter) Jansen
![Profielfoto van prof. dr. E.P. (Pieter) Jansen](/staff/e.p.jansen/photo.png?unique=1490172867425.jpg)
Huidige onderwijstaken:
Research in Management Control, in cooperation with Paula van Veen-Dirks, a course which is part of the MSc in Accountancy & Controlling and the MSc in Business Administration.
Controllership, a course which is part of the Executive Master in Finance and Control.
Supervision of master theses, MSc Accountancy & Controlling, Executive Master in Finance & Control, MSc Business Administration
Eerdere onderwijservaring
Fieldcourse Organizational & Management Control, in cooperation with Marcel Bergervoet and Joanna Gusc, which forms part of the programmes MSc Accountancy & Controlling, MSc Business Administration and MSc General Management.
Management Control & Strategic Management, in cooperation with Koos Lok, which is a course in the Executive Master of Finance & Control programme for the Energy Industry.
Management Accounting in the International Financial Management MSc programme, in cooperation with Martijn van der Steen.
Management module in the M.S.c. Humanitarian Assistance, in cooperation with several colleagues.
Management Accounting, Advanced Course, in cooperation with Martijn van der Steen.
Tutorials Management Accounting in the BSc programme Business Economics.
Tutorials in the BSc programme Business Administration.
Supervision of master theses: M.Sc. Business Administration, M.Sc. Accountancy & Controlling, M.Sc. General Management, Executive Master in Finance & Control
Workshop writing your master thesis
Specialization Course Organizational & Management Control, in cooperation with Henk ter Bogt and Pieter Molenaar.
Management Accounting for Technological Innovation, MSc Technology Management, in cooperation with Martijn van der Steen.
Management Accounting in the Executive MBA-programme of the Hanze University Groningen.
Frequent guest lectures, for example, at the University of Amsterdam (Executive Master Internal Auditor) and at the Hanze University Groningen
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 12:19 |