prof. dr. E.P. (Pieter) Jansen
![Profielfoto van prof. dr. E.P. (Pieter) Jansen](/staff/e.p.jansen/photo.png?unique=1490172867425.jpg)
Curriculum vitae Pieter Jansen
name: Erik Pieter Jansen
address: Jant Nienhuisstraat 14
9883 RS Oldehove, the Netherlands
borne: 18 February 1969, The Hague, the Netherlands
1992 M.Sc. Public Administration, University of Leiden, the Netherlands
1993 M.Sc. Political Science, University of Leiden, the Netherlands
2000 Ph.D. in Economics, University of Groningen
Working experience
1992 - 1993 student assistant, Department of Public Administration, University of Leiden
1993 – 1994 obligatory military service
1994 -1997 Ph.D.-student, Faculty of Economics, University of Groningen
1997 - 2015 Assistant Professor Management Accounting, University of Groningen
2010 – 2016 Programme director B.Sc. and M.Sc. program Accountancy & Controlling, University of Groningen
2016 - Professor of Controlling, University of Groningen
2016 - Programme director Executive Master in Finance and Control
Experience in Executive Education
Controllership, course in the Executive Master in Finance and Control
Management Control & Strategic Management, with Koos Lok, course in the Executive Master of Finance & Control (EMFC) programme for the Energy Industry.
Management Accounting in the Executive MBA-program of the Hanze University Groningen.
Frequent guest lectures, for example, at the University of Amsterdam (Executive Master Internal Auditor), Erasmus University Rotterdam (Executive Master in Finance & Control)
Experience in teaching bachelor- and master-courses (selection)
Research in Management Control, with Paula van Veen-Dirks, course in the programmes MSc Accountancy & Controlling and MSc Business Administration.
Fieldcourse Organizational & Management Control, with Marcel Bergervoet and Joanna Gusc, course in the programmes MSc Accountancy & Controlling, MSc Business Administration and MSc General Management.
Management Accounting in the International Financial Management M.Sc.programme, with Martijn van der Steen.
Management module in the M.S.c. Humanitarian Assistance, in cooperation with several colleagues.
Management Accounting, Advanced Course, with Martijn van der Steen.
Tutorials Management Accounting in the B.Sc. programme Business Economics.
Supervision of master theses: M.Sc. Business Administration, M.Sc. Accountancy & Controlling, M.Sc. General Management, Executive Master in Finance & Control
Workshop writing your master thesis
Specialization Course Organizational & Management Control, with Henk ter Bogt and Pieter Molenaar.
Management Accounting for Technological Innovation, M.Sc. Technology Management, with Martijn van der Steen.
Supervision Ph.D.-project
as a co-promotor (promotor: Jeltje van der Meer): Bereket Mehari Redda, Post-privatisation changes in management control, firm activities and performance, Enschede, 2007.
Jansen, E.P., 2015. Participation, accounting and learning how to implement a new vision. Management Accounting Research, 29, 45-60.
E. Pieter Jansen, 2011. The effect of leadership style on the information receivers’ reaction to management accounting change, Management Accounting Research, Vol. 22, pp. 105–124.
E. Pieter Jansen, 2010. Using Management Accounting to Lengthen the Time Frame of Managers, CIMA Research Executive Summary Series, Vol. 6, Issue 11.
E. Pieter Jansen, A. Smeenge, 2010. De Accountancy & Controlling Opleiding sinds 1991: via Accountancy voor Bedrijfskunde naar een eigen Bachelor-opleiding, in: Caleidoscoop van Accounting Onderzoek, liber amicorum voor Jeltje van der Meer-Kooistra, pp. 209-216.
E. Pieter Jansen, A. Smeenge, 2010. Leiderschap in Stijl?, in: Met het Oog op de Publieke Zaak, liber amicorum voor Jan van Helden, pp. 173-180.
E. Pieter Jansen, Using management accounting and control to change the time frame of managers, CIMA Research Update, March 2009, pp. 6-7.
E. Pieter Jansen, Kenneth A. Merchant, Wim A. Van der Stede, 2009. National Differences in Incentive Compensation Packages: the Differing Roles of Financial Performance Measurement in the United States and the Netherlands, Accounting, Organizations & Society, 34 (1), pp. 58-84.
E. Pieter Jansen, New Public Management: Perspectives on Performance and the Use of Performance Information, Financial Accountability & Management, 24(2), May 2008, pp. 169-191.
E. Pieter Jansen, NPM: Cybernetics and Styles of Dealing with Performance Information – Do Performance Measures Matter?, Local Government Studies, 34(1), February 2008, pp. 39-60.
E. Pieter Jansen, Welke factoren bepalen het gebruik van prestatie-informatie door lokale politici?, Maandblad voor Accounancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 81(12), december 2007, pp. 615-623.
E. Pieter Jansen, The Use of Performance Information. Field Experiments in Local Social Services Departments, The Icfai Journal of Accounting Research, 6(4), October 2007, pp. 7-35.
E. Pieter Jansen, Kenneth A. Merchant, Wim A. Van der Stede, Kooistra Autogroep,in: Kenneth A. Merchant, Wim A. Ver der Stede,Management Control Systems.Performance Measurement, Evaluation and Incentives, Second Edition, Pearson Education/Prentice Hall, 2007, pp. 772-780 (Teaching case).
Kenneth A. Merchant, Wim A. Van der Stede, E. Pieter Jansen, Puente Hills Toyota,in: Kenneth A. Merchant, Wim A. Ver der Stede,Management Control Systems.Performance Measurement, Evaluation and Incentives, Second Edition, Pearson Eductaion/Prentice Hall, 2007, pp. 253-265 (Teaching case).
E.P. Jansen, Performance measurement in governmental organizations: A contingent approach to measurement and management control, Managerial Finance, 2004.
G.J. van Helden, E.P. Jansen, New Public Management in Dutch local government, Local Government Studies, Vol. 29, No. 2 (Summer 2003).
E.P. Jansen, Prestatiemeting in de particuliere non-profitsector, Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, maart 2003, pp. 100-108
G.J. van Helden, E.P. Jansen, New Public Management bij gemeenten, Overheidsmanagement, maart 2002, pp. 64-68.
G.J. van Helden, E.P. Jansen, New Public Management in Dutch Municipalities and Provinces, Verwaltung Heute, Nummer 42, 2001, pp. 8-13.
E.P. Jansen, Het gebruik van prestatie-informatie: Casestudies bij Gemeentelijke Sociale Diensten, TBA, januari/februari 2001, pp. 2-11.
E.P. Jansen, Use, Needs and Determinants of Performance Information. Case studies in local social security departments, Ph.D.-thesis, Capelle a/d IJssel, 2000.
E.P. Jansen, The use of performance information. Case studies in local social services departments, SOM Research Report 02A19.
Jim Bulloch Award for Innovations in Management Accounting Education 2009, American Accounting Association for: E. Pieter Jansen, Kenneth A. Merchant, Wim A. Van der Stede, Cases and Research to Illustrate Cross-National Differences in Performance Measurement and Incentive Practices.
Best Paper Award 2008 Financial Accountability & Management for:
E. Pieter Jansen, New Public Management: Perspectives on Performance and the Use of Performance Information, Financial Accountability & Management, 24(2), May 2008, pp. 169-191.
Work in progress
Interventionist research projectUsing management accounting and control to change the time frame of managers
Generously funded by CIMA, The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, London
Project in close cooperation with the management team of Van den Udenhout b.v. in Den Bosch, the Netherlands (
Working papers on the basis of this project:
- Bridging the gap between theory and practice in management accounting: systematically reviewing academic research for practical applications
- Using management accounting and management control in the process of strategizing. Getting the customer in the mind of the organization, a case study
Research proposal: Ensuring sustainable profitability. Leadership by management accountants in improving long-term values
Research grant
The interventionist research project Using management accounting and control to change the time frame of managers, mentioned above, was funded (€ 40,000) by CIMA Charitable Trust. The research proposal was reviewed by a committee consisting of three academics and three practitioners.
Activities for practitioners (selected)
CIMA-blog about the Interventionist Research Project Using management accounting and control to change the time frame of managers:
Presentation Adamsappel about the research project Using management accounting and control to change the time frame of managers, TV Noord, 23 oktober 2010.
Cooperation with the Dutch Car Dealer Association (BOVAG/NDA)
- Brochure about professionalization of department managers and decentralization
- Brochure about pay-for-performance systems
Columns in magazines for car dealers and managers in the automotive industry, for example in Transmissie and NDA Dealernieuws.
Presentation Convention Dutch Car Dealer Association (45 minutes) in 2003, Amsterdam RAI (audience, approximately 800 car dealers) about professionalization of department managers
Presentation Convention Dutch Car Dealer Association (45 minutes) in 2004, Amsterdam RAI (audience, approximately 150 car dealers) about pay-for-performance
Many in-company workshops, mostly in the car dealership industry
International experience
Visiting scholar, University of Southern California, Spring/Summer 2003
Management and administrative tasks, selected
Since 2016: Programme director Executive Master in Finance & Control
2010 - 2016: Programme Director BSc and MSc Accountancy & Controlling, RuG
Contribution to the redesign of teaching programs since 2010:
- MSc Accountancy & Controlling, (program 2012-2013)
- pre-MSc (“HBO-instroom”) program MSc Accountancy & Controling
- in cooperation with Jan de Vries and Jan Riesebos: BSc Business Administration / Bedrijfskunde, in particular “track” Accountancy & Controlling
Chairman of committe for the curriculum audit BSc Bedrijfskunde, Spring 2011
Member of the Examination Board, 2000 - 2005
Chairman (2009-2010) and member (2004-2009) of the “Opleidingscommissie” Accountancy & Controlling
Member of the “Opleidingscommissie” Technology Management (2000 – 2005)
Coordinator MSc. Thesis Accountancy & Controlling (2003-2010)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 12:19 |