E.M. (Elen-Maarja) Trell-Zuidema, Dr

Core teaching activities:
MSc level:
2020 - Present: Interaction, Society and Space (Coordinator).
2015 - Present: Comparative Research and Planning Practice (Coordinator).
2015 - Present: Field-work Water Quality (Coordinator)
2013 - 2021: Reinventing Environmental Planning.
2013 - 2015. Transitions in Water management.
BSc level:
Present: Introduction to Scientific Research.
Present: Introduction to Qualitative Research.
PhD supervision:
2022-ongoing Fika Novitasari "Equity Approach to Community-based Water Provision in Indonesia"
2019-ongoing Manuela Ferreira Torres "EYES-UP: Exploring Youthful Experiences of Creating Safe-Zones in Unstable Places" (qualitative ethnographic research carried out in the context of a Brazilian favela)
2018-2022 Stephen Leitheiser "Tending to seeds of civic activity: Navigating democratic transformations to sustainability" (qualitative ethnographic research focusing on Germany and the Netherlands)
2017-ongoing Thai Nguyen van Quoc "Environmental politicisation in deep waters and the ethos of civil society in Vietnam" (qualitative research carried out in the context of Vietnam)
2017-2021 Ciska Ulug "Planting Possibilities: The contribution of community-based food collectives to food system sustainability" (qualitative ethnographic research carried out in the Netherlands and the USA)
2014-2020 Steven Forrest "The Rise of Civil Society in Governing Flood Resilience" (qualitative research in the context of UK and the Netherlands).
Selection of supervised Master thesis/topics (typically 3-4 per year, from 2013):
Nina Lindstedt, completed. Exploring the relevance and perception of non-conventional coastal protection measures to increase coastal resilience at the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea.
Thalina Siebert, completed. Ecovillages and their surrounding community. Exploring the extent to which the interaction can solve urgent sustainability issues.
Ruben Bleeker, completed. Ecovillages as catalysts for the sustainability transition in the Global North. A case study on Woldwijk's role on challenging the western dominant social paradigm.
Robert den Boer, completed. Creating Space for Sustainable Communities.
Youri Meerstra, completed. The Frisian brain drain. Out-migration of (highly educated) youth in rural areas of Fryslân and the role of place attachment in stimulating return migration.
Stijn de Wierik, completed. The power to the community. A qualitative research on the influence of citizen initiatives on the liveability in rural areas in decline.
Simon Valster, completed. Social media and crime prevention: The effects of social media use within co-production of safety projects in Dutch neighbourhoods.
Manuela Ferreira Torres, completed. TRACING PATHS. Exploring children's active and independent mobility, as well as their communicated spatial knowledge through drawing mental maps of school routes, in the Netherlands.
Mathieu de Bruin. Exploring the influence of Urban Climate Adaptation on Dutch Pluvial Flood Risk Management via stakeholder perception of responsibilities.
Anna Kuhlmann, completed. Facilitating the shift towards Sustainable Urban Water Management by evaluating successful microtransitions and supporting their upscaling.
Gerhardus Wijbenga, completed. Coöperatief Groningen: Mogelijkheden voor nieuwe vormen van samenwerking, sociaal ondernemerschap en een langetermijnperspectief voor ontwikkeling in kwetsbare gebieden. In collaboration with RIO developers / Bert-Jan Bodewes.
Jana Brinkmann, completed. What a Waste: Introducing an integrated approach for plastic waste management on the island Föhr, Germany.
Elsa Stetinger, completed. Impacts of Agriculture on Water Quality. Environmental, Economic and Social Conflicts.
Karolis Kincius, completed. Informal institutions and individual motivation regarding environmental policy integration in Infrastructure sector, Lithuania.
Aniek Wichers, completed (2017). Veranderen om hetzelfde te blijven. Een onderzoek naar de succesfactoren en barrières in de interactie tussen initiatiefnemers en gemeente in krimpgebied.
Joey Koning, completed (2016). De Groei en Bloei van Stadslandbouw. De rol van lokale overheden in het stimuleren van stadslandbouwinitiatieven van burgers.
Marijn van Geet, completed (2015). The governance of climate adaptation. Defining governance arrangements to steer effective flash flood adaptation in Arnhem.
Mirrijn van Eijk, completed (2015). Region based adaptive capacity.Case study research about the role of adaptive capacities of regional authorities in enhancing the resilience of the Ems Dollard estuary. In collaboration with the Province of Groningen.
Constanze Renzelmann, completed (2015). Planning with Pets. The integration of pets in the urban environment of Groningen.
Joleen Wierenga, completed (2014). Strategic Positioning of the Province of Groningen in the development of an Integral Management Plan for the Ems Dollart estuary. In collaboration with the Province of Groningen.
Laura Zegers, completed (2014). Waterschappen in een veranderende stroming. Een onderzoek naar de capaciteit van waterschappen om mee te veranderen met de transitie in watermanagement.
Radina Mladenova, completed (2014). Sustainable Tourism Development Based on Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Bulgarian Black Sea.
Selection of supervised Bachelor thesis/topics (all completed):
Sebastian Brückner. VEGGIE-DAY: A means to increase Campus Food Sustainability?
Gerben Koers. Food sustainability at the University of Groningen and Oldenburg: An organizational view to improve sustainable food policy through university governance.
Bente Vedder. Sustainable Campus Food: Yes or No?
Abel Knippig. Adapting Cities to Climate Change. The Implementation of Green Roof Infrastructures in Groningen.
Luuk Smink. Perceptions on the impact of climate change and natural disasters. A pilot study among citizens in the urban area of Groningen.
Margo Enthoven. Consumer motivations on energy efficiency. Willingness to invest in an energy efficient home in the city of Groningen.
Ruben Roelofs. Urban Stormwater Management in a Changing Climate: Potential of Low Impact Development Practices in Groningen.
Tjerron Boxem. Zelfredzaamheid onder inwoners ten aanzien van overstromingsrisico.
Klaas Hommes. Haalbaarheid publiek fietsleensysteem voor studenten.
Jasper Homrighausen. De invloed van de ruimtelijke inrichting op het fietsgedrag van groningse studenten.
Rik van Eck. De zelfredzaamheid van studenten in Groningen.
Egbert Minnema. Dynamisch kustbeheer op Terschelling. Over zin en draagvlak van dynamisch kustbeheer op Terschelling.
Jorian Wals. Geïntegreerd kustzonebeheer. Studie naar de mogelijkheden voor een geïntegreerde benadering van de kustzone voor de Eems-Dollard
Robert Beerta. Between resistance and resilience. A comparative study into the flood coping capability of Amsterdam and Bratislava.
Jan-Thijs Koster. 'Flood Resilience'. In de complexe praktijk van het ontwikkelingsproces.
Involvement in other courses:
2013 People and Place. Geographies of age. Bachelor course, guest-lecture.
2010 Methods of scientific research. Visual methodologies module. Bachelor course, guest-lecture
2008 Canadian studies. First Nations and their relations to nature, guest-lecture
Laatst gewijzigd: | 05 september 2024 22:54 |