E.M. (Elen-Maarja) Trell-Zuidema, Dr

PhD projects / researchers supervised:
2024-ongoing Jeong Han Lee, Pathways towards Carbon Neutrality for Climate, Environment, Health and Socio-Economic Co-Benefits
2022-ongoing Fika Novitasari "Equity Approach to Community-based Water Provision in Indonesia"
2019-ongoing Manuela Ferreira Torres "EYES-UP: Exploring Youthful Experiences of Creating Safe-Zones in Unstable Places" (qualitative ethnographic research carried out in the context of a Brazilian favela)
2017-2023 Nguyen van Quoc Thai "Fishing for Politics. Civil society activism and environmental politicisation in Vietnam" (qualitative research carried out in the context of Vietnam)
2018-2022 Stephen Leitheiser "Tending to seeds of civic activity: Navigating democratic transformations to sustainability" (qualitative ethnographic research focusing on Germany and the Netherlands)
2017-2021 Ciska Ulug "Planting Possibilities: The contribution of community-based food collectives to food system sustainability" (qualitative ethnographic research carried out in the Netherlands and the USA)
2014-2020 Steven Forrest "The Rise of Civil Society in Governing Flood Resilience" (qualitative research in the context of UK and the Netherlands).
Research projects:
2020-2025. Future in / of Eemsdelta: youth, education, livability. It is a mixed methods research with a strong focus on participatory action research and visual methods. In the project we explore place attachment and future aspirations of youth in the municipalitiy of Eemsdelta and the potential of a new school campus (Campus Eemsdelta Groningen) to contribute to the liveability and vitality of the region. Lead researcher. Together with Gwenda van der Vaart, Henk Hofstede (and in 2023 also Britta Restemeyer).
2022. TriWadWalk, 1 & 2, Trilateral Wadden exploration field-works with the universities of Oldenburg, Hamburg, Bremen, Lüneburg & University of Southern Denmark. Co-organizer & participant. With support from the Trilateral Wadden Secretariat, the Wadden Academy, Sustainable Landscapes (RuG) and the University of Southern Denmark.
2022 - 2024. Smart Campus Zernike Groningen. Phase 2.0. Project co-organizer. With RIO projects consultancy, VRX and with financial support from Regio Groningen Assen.
2014 - Present. Trilateral Wadden Research and Education Workshop (Groningen – Oldenburg – Hamburg/Bremen - University of Southern Denmark). Lead organizer.
2014 – 2021. ‘Grow Local Eat Smart’ – A life-cycle analysis of the sustainability of campus food systems, comparison between the Netherlands and the UK (with Britta Restemeyer, Margo Enthoven (University of Groningen and in collaboration with Richard Nunes (University of Reading)).
2015 - 2018. SMART campus Zernike Groningen. Project-leader. A research project carried out in collaboration with RIO projects and the Municipality of Groningen with support from Regio Groningen Assen and Zernike Campus.
2015-2016. Local collectives, community economy and autonomous food systems: the case of Free cafe in Groningen. (with Ciska Ulug)
2014 – 2015. ‘Rural resilience and renewable energy: in search of synergies’. Comparative research project focusing on policy discourse analysis on renewable energy and rural development in North Netherlands and North Germany. (with Rozanne Spijkerboer and Christian Zuidema (University of Groningen)).
2013 – 2015. ‘Campus Food Print’ – A trilateral research and teaching project and an annual international workshop with the University of Oldenburg and the University of Bremen (with Ingo Mose (University of Oldenburg), Ivo Mossig (University of Bremen) and Dirk Strijker (University of Groningen)).
Laatst gewijzigd: | 05 september 2024 22:36 |