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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons C.I. (Christine) Andrä, PhD


Textiles: A conversation between Christine Andrä and Laura Antonia Coral Velásquez

Forum: Dead-Ends, Disasters, Delays? Reflecting on Research Failure in International Studies and Ways to Avoid It

Reflexivity in research teams through narrative practice and textile-making

Textiling World Politics: Towards an extended epistemology, methodology, and ontology

Crafting Stories, Making Peace? Creative Methods in Peace Research

Problematising war: Towards a reconstructive critique of war as a problem of deviance

Knowing Through Needlework: curating the difficult knowledge of conflict textiles

Textiles Making Peace

Konflikttextilien: Analytischer, ästhetischer und politischer Stoff für Friedensforschung und -arbeit

Oil Investment and Conflict in Upper Nile State, South Sudan


Episode 3: (Un-) Stitching Gazes