C. (Christos) Emmanouilidis, Dr
Universitair hoofddocent bij Ius Promovendi

c.emmanouilidis rug.nl
Christos Emmanouilidis teaching portfolio includes includes Internet of Things & Industry 4.0/5.0, Data Analytics, Technology-Enabled Innovation, Information Systems/Management, and Asset Management. At RuG he is involved in the following courses: Data Mining & Applications (since 2021); Smart Industry Operations (new - introduced in 2021, Listed in the AI4Europe platform); Asset Management (2021-2022); Technology-Enabled Innovation (2021, 2022). His is a Fellow of the UK's Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
Courses |
Organisation |
University of Groningen
Cranfield University, UK
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Course delivery as adjunct Faculty Member (2005-2009)
Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Other Educational activities |
Audiences |
Vocational Education and Training
iLearn2Main: complete eLearning platform with educational content on Maintenance Management, available in 5 languages; coupled with physical training workshops. (2007-2010).
Maintenance managers and maintenance personnel
Digital cities: training courses for local municipalities on digital / e-government services for a whole region (East Macedonia - Thrace, Greece). (2008)
Municipalities personnel
Innovation: instructor to SMEs and professionals with series of presentations towards the public and aspiring innovators, selected through the regional innovation programme TECHNOGENESIS. (2005)
SMEs and professionals
Laatst gewijzigd: | 07 februari 2025 22:05 |