C. (Christos) Emmanouilidis, Dr

Christos has been involved in Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) as Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator for projects in excess of 12 m€ funding for the employing organisation. Details below are provided only for projects wherein Christos has had a PI or Co-I role. | |
Current Projects | |
Horizon Europe project:
AIXPERT: An agentic, multi-layer, GenAI-powered backbone to make an AI system explainable, accountable, and transparent.
AIXPERT envisions a future where AI systems are explainable, transparent, accountable, and robust, fostering trust in human-machine interactions. The AIXPERT solutions will measure the efficiency and accuracy of AI systems and will also provide contextual explanations, offering insights into the data and models used to generate outcomes. The integration of Knowledge Graphs (KGs) with AI agents will link the data and the actions taken by AI agents. Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) will enable AI to learn and adapt based on real-time user interactions. The dynamic creation and configuration of AI agents will allow users to customise and deploy agents, primarily powered by Large Language Models (LLMs). AIXPERT will leverage human-centred design principles, incorporating participatory design and usability studies.
Consortium and funding:
The project is led by ATHENA Research and Innovation Centre, Greece.
Envisaged impact: | |
Horizon Europe project:
SkillAIbility: Co-designing human-centric pathways for future skills in manufacturing through augmented, empowered, inclusive, and symbiotic complementarities between AI, automation, and human tasks. The objective of the project is to create human-centric, empowering pathways to future skills and jobs for all, towards an inclusive, resilient, and equality-based twin transition in the manufacturing industry. This will be achieved by co-designing education, training and relevant AI tools with workers, especially vulnerable groups, using empowering, inclusive, and symbiotic complementarities between AI, automation, and humans.
Consortium and funding:
The project is led by Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
There are 14 partners from 9 European countries, in a consortium representative of the research, industry, and societal stakeholders needed for success in this area. The overall funding is about 3 million euros. In this project the RuG team will play a leading role in the roadmapping and the creation of future scenarios for augmentation, empowerment, and symbiosis between humans and AI/automation technologies, in the design of human technologies for symbiotic work organisation contexts, and in the use cases through co-design principles for inclusive AI/automation skills, tasks, and jobs in manufacturing. The project duration is three years.
Envisaged impact:
The project aims to produce significant impacts in multiple directions: (i) Through regulator sandboxes and prestandardisation contributions; (ii) in policy making; (iii) via international, national and regional synergies; (iv) use cases testing and demonstrating empowerment, augmentation, inclusivity, symbiosis between humans and AI-enabled technology solutions. More details are available here.
Check the project factsheet.
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Horizon Europe project:
AI4Work: Human-centric Digital Twin Approaches to Trustworthy AI and Robotics for Improved Working Conditions The AI4Work project aims to provide practical solutions for effective and optimal collaboration between human and non-human (robotics, AI) actors in work environments, demonstrated in several domains with use cases in: (1) Management of Yard Logistics
Consortium and funding:
Envisaged impact:
More details are available here:
Check also the project factsheet:
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Horizon Europe project: HumAIne: Hybrid Human-AI Decision Support for Enhanced Human Empowerment in Dynamic Situations The HumAIne project aims to achieve impact towards a human-centred and ethical development of digital and industrial technologies. This will be achieved through a two-way engagement in the development of technologies, empowering end-users and workers, and supporting social innovation. The project involves use cases for human-centric AI from five key sectors: - manufacturing (human – robot collaboration in manufacturing)
Consortium and funding:
Envisaged impact:
Mode details are available here.
Check also the project factsheet.
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Past Projects | |
H2020 project STAR: Safe and Trusted Human Centric Artificial Intelligence
in Future Manufacturing Lines (grant ID: 956573). AI systems in industrial plants must be safe, trusted and secure, even when operating in dynamic, unstructured and unpredictable environments. Ensuring the safety and reliability of these systems is a key prerequisite for deploying them at scale and for fully leveraging the benefits of AI in manufacturing. STAR is a joint 6m€ collaborative project involving 18 partners from across Europe, including AI and digital manufacturing experts. STAR project outcomes enable the deployment of standards-based, secure, safe, reliable, and trusted human-centric AI systems in real-life manufacturing environments, which are dynamic and unpredictable in nature. STAR acts as a catalyst for ethical AI deployments in production lines. Specifically, STAR produces technical solutions that boost the safety, robustness and trustworthiness of systems AI in dynamic, real-life settings, while at the same exploring the legal implications of a safe and secure AI in prominent manufacturing scenarios. In this project the RuG team has contributed with: - a co-creative methodology for the complete lifecycle managment of AI-driven industrial systems with particular attention to Human-AI synergies;
- a methodology for evaluating human-centric industrial AI systems - AI solutions for human-robot co-existens in shared industrial working spaces - explainable AI (xAI) for vision-based product quality inspection - methods for assessing production shop floor operators and workers fatigue (physical, mental) when operating in Industry 4.0/Industry 5.0 environments. Find out more about the STAR project @: | |
Industrial Transition in Lagging Regions. European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), Unit J.2 - Knowledge for Growth, EC Joint Research Centre, Seville. Reports and other documentation available through (search at)
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Operational Performance Analytics project.
Funded by CognitoIQ. Budget: 6k€ (with Cranfield University)
Development of framework for integrating simulation with performance analytics for field service management, taking into account operations data.
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Industry 4.0 Innovation.
R&D Consultancy project, funded by Plextek Ltd (part-funded by ERDF). Budget: 12k€
Project delivered:
1. Analysis of strategic priorities for UK Manufacturing | |
InnovateUK: Design Rule KTP (Knowledge Transfer Partnership)
IoT and Big Data for Product Lifecycle Management
The project aim was to develop new in-house capabilities to offer Manufacturing SMEs novel quick and easy to deploy processes/methodologies/software to improve their product lifecycle management systems taking advantage of Industry 4.0. (with Cranfield University)
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Data-driven service innovation for large production-grade digital printers Funded by Xerox International (Budget: 8.5k€, with Cranfield University)
The project delivered:
- Exploratory Data Analytics for Predictive Maintenance of Industry Grade Production Printers
- Simulation Based Framework for Assessing the Impact of Predictive Analytics on Service Performance and Service Level Agreements.
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Quantitative analysis and capacity building for the implementation of ICT solutions supporting Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS3)
EC, Growth Unit, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) of the Joint Research Centre, Budget: 13750€. Reports and other documentation available through (search at)
https://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC98359 | |
WelCOM: Wireless Sensor Networks for Engineering Assets Lifecycle Optimal Management; (welcom-project.ceti.gr)
Collaborative Research Project Funded by the General Secretariat for Research & Technology, Budget: 1.93m€. (with ATHENA Research & Innovation Centre)
The WelCOM project has developed an e-maintenance platform to facilitate the implementation of Industrial Condition – Based Maintenance via a flexible toolset of solutions based on Wireless Sensor Network platforms. It comprised:
Hardware - Prototype of a Fiber Optic Sensor - Prototype of a Wireless Optical Sensor - Prototype of a Wireless Sensor Node with Energy Efficiency Support Software - Middleware, supporting Wireless Sensor Network (wsn) operation for Condition Monitoring purposes with sampling, data management and transmission.
- Embedded software with data filtering and pre-processing, inside the wsn node.
- Software library supporting vibration data analytics and embedded event detection for wireless sensor networks
- WelCOM Maintenance Knowledge Management Platform
WCKM-Planner: Web-based software, offering services for the management and planning of maintenance work activities, linked to external CMMS system
WCKM-FMECA: Web-based platform to support FMECA-related knowledge management and pre-analytics
WelCOM Intelligent Maintenance Adviser FMECA-IMA: Back-end software and interface synthesis services for managing FMECA knowledge, WelCOM-Planner IMA front-end: Backend software and interface synthesis services to support the management and operation of WCKM-Planner, WelCOM-SNC front-end: Backend software and interface synthesis services for managing wsn infrastructure.
e-Maintenance Learning and Support: Customized e-learning platform with structured learning content for using WelCOM components and learning about condition-based maintenance, WCTP-eSupport: Back-end software and interface synthesis services for offering mobile on-the job maintenance support services, enriched with voice interfaces.
Integration with an external Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) via web services.
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InnoPro, INNOvation in PROduction
A regional perspective on innovation drivers for SMEs and the NMP role; FP7 CSA project, Project Budget: 200k€ (ID: 609321), (with ATHENA Research & Innovation Centre)
Check the project fact sheet at the EC portal.
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myVisitPlanner, Personalised System for Cultural Itineraries Planning
Budget: 420k€ (with ATHENA Research and Innovation Centre)
The myVisitPlanner project developed a cloud-based recommender and itinerary planning system for personalised tourism. The recommender system included the development of online and offline recommendation services, devising an information-based data analytics approach for recommendations, employing the Hadoop HDFS and the Mahout machine learning library for enabling clustering and learning to make recommendations based on past experience and itinerary profiling. | |
CORECT: Common Religious Cultural Pathways
Territorial co-operation Collaborative Research Project. Budget: 694.225€ (with ATHENA Research and Innovation Centre). | |
ATRIUM: Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of the XX° Century in Urban Management
Funded by the South East Europe Programme, Budget: 1.93m€ (with ATHENA Research and Innovation Centre). The ATRIUM project developed a toolset to support the official ATRIUM Cultural Route (approved by the Council of Europe), comprising subsystems for recording, evaluation, map and timeline-based navigation (atrium.ceti.gr). | |
Industrial Training System for Modern Enterprise Maintenance. EU DG Education and Culture, UK National Leonardo Authority. Budget: 398k€ (with ATHENA Research and Innovation Centre)
The main outcome of the iLearn2Main project is an e-learning system for Maintenance Management training and an e-assessment tool for the self-assessment of competences, available in five languages, namely English, Romanian, Latvian, Swedish and Greek. Several piloting actions targeted user groups from academia and industry. The design and development has taken into account requirements arising from professional bodies’ guidelines and a user survey. The project was invited to participate in the Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP) Maintenance for Sustainable Manufacturing. | |
SmartIn2: Smart & Adaptive Human-Computer Interaction in Industrial Environments
Transfer of Innovation Project with ATLANTIS Engineering SA
Budget: 8.6k€ (with ATHENA Research and Innovation Centre)
Research services contract / feasibility study for adaptive user interfaces appropriate for use in industrial environments and computerised maintenance management systems. | |
U-Sense, Ubiquitous Sensing
Services Contract with Prisma Electronics SA: Budget: 8.3k€ (with ATHENA Research and Innovation Centre)
Research services contract for investigating potential and suitability of wireless sensor network platforms and solutions for use in condition monitoring applications. | |
Digital Municipality – «Training of elected local government officials in Digital Cities Technologies»
Information Society Project, Budget: 93.5k€ (with ATHENA Research and Innovation Centre). Training delivered to all municipalities in the Region of East Macedonia-Thrace, Greece, on various aspects of e-government tools and associated technologies. | |
Virtual Guide. Intelligent, Multimedia-rich Navigation in Museum & Exhibition Spaces using Wireless Technologies. Budget: 607k€ (with ATHENA Research and Innovation Centre).
Virtual Guide involved the design and development of software prototype for interactive museum collections management and museum navigation targeting multiple devices (mobile and desktop), employing primarily PHP, MySQL and Javascript; experimentation on wireless multimedia transmission performance assessment based on simulation tools and emulation environment to support final prototype development. Final prototype commercialised by Prisma Electronics SA under the brand name Xenagos. | |
Dynamite - Dynamic Decisions in Maintenance (Integrated Project). Funding: FP6-IST/NMP. Budget: 6.1m€ (with Zenon SA Industrial Automation).
The Dynamite Integrated Project has developed methods and tools to deliver e-Maintenance solutions for modern industry. The project delivered wireless sensing solutions, incorporating MEMS sensors, RFID tags and a range of software modules to support maintenance planning and decision making, as well as e-training support to enable end users to make maximal use of the developed toolset. e-training and wireless sensing platform development PrismaSense, developed by Zenon SA and Prisma SA respectively. Overall project results published in a Springer volume under the title 'e-Maintenance'. Check the project fact sheet at the EC portal.
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GNOSYS - An Abstraction Architecture for Cognitive Agents.
EU-FP6-IST/Cognitive Systems. Budget, 2,09m€ (with Zenon SA Automation Technologies)
GNOSYS designed a cognitive agent architecture for mobile robots. The architecture was divided in two components: a domain agnostic one (GNOSYS Brain) and a domain-dependent one (robot architecture). The architecture integrated the cycle of perception, knowledge acquisition, abstraction, reasoning and action generation. The robot software architecture completely abstracts the hardware, resulting in a generic embodied cognitive agent architecture. The architecture was embodied in a Pioneer AT3 mobile platform by Zenon SA. At the lowest level, sensors, their interface electronics and actuator amplifiers were integrated with local processors that implement a first level of signal processing and in the case of actuator amplifiers low level control. At the next level more powerful processors were used for more demanding computation, ie XSCALE 400 MHz RISC processor on a gumstix® board and an Intel P4 Centrino processor. The third level included a cluster of off-robot PCs, implementing the GNOSYS "brain". Check the inspiring overview by Prof. John Taylor.
Check the project fact sheet at the EC portal. | |
D-SCRIBE: A system for digitisation & processing of Greek Manuscripts. Budget: 980k€ (with Zenon SA Automation Technologies).
D-SCRIBE developed a software system solution for processing and transcribing ancient manuscript images (Mount Sinai Library Digital Archive), employing document image analysis techniques, and a training-support system for palaeography. Check the project fact sheet (sorry, in Greek!)
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EXEN-2C – Energy Efficiency in Buildings Using Intelligent Control and Communications.
Budget: 1.036m€ (with Zenon SA Automation Technologies)
Development of a hardware and software infrastructure for smart buildings. Integration of distributed sensors for air quality, humidity, temperature and light monitoring with controller hardware and software for fuzzy logic basic control of HVAC and adaptive blinds, piloted on the building of Zenon SA Automation Technologies. | |
TECHNOGENESIS: Innovative Actions Programme
Region of East Macedonia – Thrace, Greece. Budget: 3.68m€ (with Region of East Macedonia and Thrace).
The Technogenesis programme of Regional Innovation achieved to stimulate innovation and support start-ups to develop their business strategy, implement ‘Technology Clinics’ to assess and improve their sustainability and finally provide business seed capital to develop their innovations. TECHNOGENESIS was selected as the national contribution for European Enterprise Awards. It was also honoured by the President of the Hellenic Republic, as distinguished contribution to Innovation.
Check the TECHNOGENESIS model in the book edited by Christos Bezirtzoglou. | |
ReSew: - A Decision Support System for Sewer Rehabilitation
EC-GROWTH, Budget 2.4m€ (with Zenon SA, Automation Technologies).
Development of a software suite for the management and processing of CCTV survey images from robotic scanners operating in sewer network utility companies, including image sequences preprocessing, feature extraction and neural network-based detection of cracks in underground pipes. Included extensive analytics leading to final integration in an overall decision support suite for sewer infrastructure networks. Check the project fact sheet at the EC portal.
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ROBOT INSPECTOR: Development of a robotic system for the inspection of large steel/aluminum plates in industrial plants
EU/GROWTH. Project Budget: 2m€ (with Zenon SA Automation Technologies)
Robot Inspector developed a prototype robot platform for automating the non destructive testing of large steel and aluminum plates, as typically present in oil tanks. The mobile robot was a customised P3AT robot platform, capable of carrying and deploying appropriate NDT equipment to perform scanning of the plate surface for corrosion and of the welded parts for defects. Three different NDT probes are utilised, namely a dry-coupled ultrasonic wheel probe, a phased array (PA) ultrasonic probe and an Alternating Current Field Measurement (ACFM) probe. The multi-threaded software architecture for the robot control is run on a microcontroller that handles interfacing with the robot electronics and low-level control functions, an on-robot PC that processes laser sensor input and handles higher-level robot functions, such as behavioural and fuzzy control, localization, path planning and Non Destructive Testing (NDT) specific functions and an off-robot PC that handles user interfacing and integration with NDT signal processing software. Check the project fact sheet at the EC portal.
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Laatst gewijzigd: | 12 maart 2025 17:18 |