dr. C. (Kees) Dekker
Universitair docent oudere Engelse literatuur en cultuur

c.dekker rug.nl
Within the Department of English my teaching is mainly concentrated on the literature and culture of the Anglo-Saxon period (c. 450 – c. 1100) and the Middle English period (c. 1100 – c. 1500), and on Editing and Book History (Ba and Ma).
A selection of the courses I have participated in recently:
Ba English Language and Culture
- Reading Middle English
- Old English Literature and Culture
- Special Topic: Beowulf
- Saints and Sinners in Medieval England
- Introduction into English Literature before 1550
Ma English Literature
- Medieval English Drama
- Travellers in the Medieval World: Exploration and Imagination
- Anglo-Saxon Saints' Lives
- Old English Wisdom Poetry
- Medieval Drama
Ma Writing, Editing and Mediating
- WEM 3: From Manuscript to Printed Book
- WEM 4: Translating and Editing in Theory and Practice
Minor Historical Culture and Literature in a European Perspective
- Early European Space: Myths, Heroes and Gods
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 12:31 |