dr. C. (Kees) Dekker

University employment
2000– University Lecturer (tenured) in Older English Language and Literature, Old Germanic. University of Groningen.
1998–2000 Lecturer (part-time); Department of English, University of Groningen.
1998–2000 Post-doctoral researcher (part-time); Faculty of Arts, University of Leiden. Project title: Frisia–Latina: An investigation into Latin loan words in Old Frisian.
1997–98 Lecturer (part-time); Department of English, University of Leiden.
1993–97 OIO (= graduate researcher with teaching responsibility). Department of English, University of Leiden. A four-year scholarship awarded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), which resulted in a doctoral thesis within the time foreseen (1997).
Editorial activities
2016– Member of the International Advisory Board of the Richard Rawlinson Center for Anglo-Saxon Studies at the University of Western Michigan in Kalamazoo
2009– Editor in chief of the the Mediaevalia Groningana series.
2007–2011 Advisory Editor for NOWELE (North-Western European Language Evolution).
2006 Advisor for English Studies regarding an article of the late Professor René Derolez.
2004–09 Member of the board of editors for the Mediaevalia Groningana series.
Relevant comittees
2012–2016 Member of the Advisory Board of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists
2011–2015 President of the Nederlandse Vereniging van Oudgermanisten (Netherlands Society for Old Germanic Studies)
Professional activities
2017– Member of the National Programme Council for MasterLanguage, and chair of the Master Language committee for English studies
2017– Member of the Exam Board for the Research Masters in the Humanities, Groningen
2016– Member of the Facultaire Expertisegroep Wetenschappelijke Informatievoorziening (Faculty Expertise Group on Scholarly Information Systems)
2016 Chair of Midterm Review Committee at the Faculty of Arts, University of Leiden, for the Departments of English, French, German, Italian, MA Literary Studies
2012– Member of the Curriculum Committee of the Netherlands Research School for Medieaval Studies
2012–2016 Secretary of the Exam Board for English Literature and Culture, European Languages and Culture, American Studies, Languages and Cultures of the Middle East
2010 Member of the task group setting up the Faculty Minor of ‘Older literature’
2007–2008 Co-author of the MA specialisation programme: Writing, Editing and Mediating.
2006–2009 Coordinator of the English Department section Older English Language and Literature.
2006–2010 Member of the Departmental Planning Committee (Afdelingsbestuur).
2006 Co-author of the curriculum evaluation report (2005–2006) for the Department of English.
2004 Co-author of the curriculum evaluation report (2000–2005) for the Department of English
2004–2006 Member and secretary of the Curriculum Committee, Department of English.
2003–2005 Member of the Advisory Committee for the Faculty of Arts Library.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 03 januari 2025 19:28 |