prof. dr. A.E.M.G. (Alexander) Minnaert

Short biography:
After my graduation as Master in Educational, School and Medical Psychology at the University of Leuven, I obtained a teacher education certificate for secondary and for higher education (both in Belgium and in the Netherlands) and a post-graduate certificate in Learning and Instruction at the Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena (Germany). I finished my PhD in Educational and School Psychology at the University of Leuven in 1996 on a longitudinal study among freshmen on academic performance, cognition, metacognition, and motivation.
After a post-doc period at the Centre of School Psychology and the Centre of Research Methodology in Educational Sciences at the University of Leuven and a visiting professorship at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, I was appointed in 1997 as assistant and associate professor in instructional sciences and clinical education at the Department of Education, Leiden University. From 2004, I became full professor in the domain of clinical educational research, student counselling, learning problems and educational research methodology at the University of Groningen.
From 2004 till 2014, I was chair of the examination and admission committee at the department of Education and Educational Sciences.
From 2006, I am a supervisor of internships at the London Borough of Hounslow and of Hammersmith/Kensington and Chelsea concerning children's psycho-medical and educational services.
From 2007 till 2011, I was coordinator of the Special Interest Group "Motivation and Emotion" of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI).
In 2008, I received the award "Best teacher of the year 2008" (department of pedagogy and educational sciences).
From 2010 onwards, I was appointed as researcher in schools with a gifted profile. For publications see:
From 2011, I am teacher and co-founder of the School Psychology curriculum at RINO Noord-Holland.
In 2012, I received the Ubbo Emmius Colleghie award for organising scientific (inter)national conferences on motivation, learning and development with the signature of the University of Groningen.
In 2013, I received the award "Best teacher at the faculty of behavioural and social sciences of the year 2013".
I became a member of the Academy of Finland (2013) and I was appointed as chair of the Academy of Finland (division Education) from 2014-2016.
From 2014 till 2016, I was Director of Research at the Department of Education and Educational Sciences.
In 2016, I was appointed as member of the committee for Youth Effectiveness Interventions of the NJi (Dutch Youth Institute).
Head trainer (ad interim) of the University Post-master's degree Orthopedagoog-Generalist at Groningen (UPO-G) from February 2017 till October 2018.
I became researcher and expert member of the High Intelligence Twice Exceptional Association (HI-TEa) at the Behavioural Science Institute of Radboud University Nijmegen in 2018.
Scientific Advisory Board member of Centre of Excellence in Learning Dynamics and Intervention Research, installed by the Academy of Finland, from 2022 till 2029.
Appointed as member and vice chair of the Faculty Nomination Committee from September 2022.
Co-initiator of the research workshop and workplace "Learning and Giftedness" at Windesheim Applied University (2023). This also includes focusing on twice-exceptional students.
General board member of the foundation WAAR (Werken aan Automatiseringstekorten en Achterstanden op het gebied van Rekenen; Working on Automatization deficits and backlogs in mathematics) [2024].
In October 2024, I was appointed as the chair of the committee for Youth Effectiveness Interventions of the NJi (Dutch Youth Institute).
On February 1, 2025, I was appointed as member of the NRO-Program committee 'Educational support and youth' by the Dutch Program Council for Educational Research (Prowo; Programmaraad voor Onderwijsonderzoek) of the Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO; Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek).
NWO/NRO/Zon-Mw Research projects:
2009 NWO-PROO consortium : “Development in self-regulation and motivation for school of students in different learning contexts”. Collaboration of Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert and dr. M. C. J. L. Opdenakker (University of Groningen, Educational Sciences) and of dr. T. T. D. Peetsma and dr. I. van der Veen(University of Amsterdam, SCO Kohnstamm Institute). International collaboration with Prof. dr. S. Karabenick (University of Michigan, USA).
2013 NWO-PROO EXCELLENCE project: "Triggering the motivation of the gifted: effects of cognitive and motivational differentiation". (Prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert & dr. M.C.J.L. Opdenakker)
2014 NWO Research Talent 'The value of the Kindergarten CITO test: A predictive, ecological and consequential validity approach' (dr. W. Post, Prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert & dr. I. Oenema-Mostert)
2015-2020 NRO OPRO: Long term evaluation of Passend Onderwijs on all levels of education. (Consortium of Kohnstamm Institute, Radboud University, CED group, InHolland, TIAS, University of Groningen). Co-application for Groningen by dr. A.A. de Boer and prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert.
2017-2022: Zon-Mw/InZicht project “Tell it! Fostering influence in communication and language by people with congenital visual and auditory disabilities” (5 years) and co-financing by Visio-Kentalis-Bartimeus-RUG (5 years). (University of Groningen: prof. dr. H.J.M. Janssen, dr. S. Damen, prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert; University of Amsterdam: prof. dr. E.M. van den Bogaerde; Radboud University of Nijmegen: dr. M. Vervloed; Visio: drs. K. Bloeming-Wolberink; Kentalis: drs. F. Kat, G. Koekkoek; Bartiméus: drs. M. Worm)
2017-2022: NWO Promotiebeurs voor leraren. Anouk de Kleijn-Bruntink (docent Stedelijk Gymnasium Leeuwarden) over “Het beslissende boek op het juiste moment: persoonlijk en motiverend literatuuronderwijs” (prof. dr. D. Draaisma, prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert, dr. M. Derksen & dr. T. Witte)
2017-2021: NRO PROO project “Differentiation inside out: a study on differentiation on different levels and domains” (4 years). (prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert, dr. W.E. Kupers, dr. A.A. De Boer, dr. F. de Jong [Stoas Vilentum Wageningen, CAH Dronten, Aereas University of Applied Sciences Wageningen], & prof. dr. J. Vermunt [University of Cambridge]).
2017-2017 : NRO PPO Kortlopend onderwijsonderzoek – fase 1 “Zelfregulatie ontwikkelen in het bewegingsonderwijs” - € 19.896. (PI: dr. R. Mombarg, i.s.m. Alien van der Sluis, Alexander Minnaert, Berend Brouwer, Wiebe Terpstra, Gert Haitmsa, Marjolein Hesselink, Jacob Boetje [consortium: Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Zernickecollege, Werkmancollege, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen].
2018: NWO Open access publication grant (036.003.1770) ‘The effect of self-regulated strategy instruction and behavioral consultation on motivation: A longitudinal study on the effect of school-based interventions in secondary education.’
2018: NRO Gedrag en passend onderwijs 2018: Praktijkgerichte thematische overzichtsartikelen (40.5.18630.019). Passend onderwijs voor dubbel bijzondere (hoog)begaafde leerlingen: fabels en feiten over (het voorkomen van) frustratie van talent [Inclusive education for twice exceptional (highly) gifted students: fairytales and facts about (the prevention of) frustration of talent]. (prof. dr. E.H. Kroesbergen, dr. A.E.J. Burger-Veltmeijer, prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert & dr. A.J.M. Hoogeveen [consortium: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, ABV & Rijksuniversiteit Groningen])
2018-2019: NRO Peil.onderwijs Schrijfvaardigheid 2018. Schrijfpeil basisonderwijs [Writing mastery level in primary education]. (prof. dr. C.M. de Glopper. prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert, dr. A.J.S. Amos, dr. H.L.W. Pander Maat & drs. J.M. Kuijpers [consortium: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Faculteit der Letteren en Faculteit Gedrags- en Maatschappijwetenschappen; Universiteit van Amsterdam, Kohnstamm Instituut; Universiteit Utrecht, Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen; NHL, Academie Primair Onderwijs NHL Stenden]).
2018-2020 : NRO Kortlopend onderwijsonderzoek – fase 2 “Zelfregulatie ontwikkelen in het bewegingsonderwijs” (40.5.18500.025)- € 99.980 (PI: dr. R. Mombarg, i.s.m. A. van der Sluis, M. Westendorp, A. Minnaert, B. Brouwer, J. Boetje, K. Haveman, M. Kuipers, M. de Vries en W. Terpstra [consortium: Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, SLO, Zernicke College Groningen, Ubbo Emmius Stadskanaal, CSG Groningen, Winkler Prins Veendam].
2018-2019: NRO/PPO Kortlopend project beroepsonderwijs “Succesvolle aanpakken van mbo studenten in een kwetsbare situatie” – € 29.900 (PI: P. Hublart, i.s.m. K. Coppens, P. Vuijk, A. Donker, H. Smulders, A. Minnaert [consortium: NJi, ecbo, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Zadkine, NHLeeuwarden, Albeda college, Orion, ROC Gelderland]).
2019: NRO PPO Gedrag en Passend Onderwijs 2019 (40.5.19630.027): Tussen wal en schip: De speciale onderwijsbehoeften van dubbel-bijzondere leerlingen [To fall between two stools: Special educational needs of twice exceptional students]. (prof. dr. E.H. Kroesbergen, dr. A.E.J. Burger-Veltmeijer, prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert & dr. A.J.M. Hoogeveen [consortium: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, ABV & Rijksuniversiteit Groningen]).
2019-2022: NRO/PPO Subsidie Beroepsonderwijs (40.5.19620.017) “Succesvolle aanpakken van mbo studenten in een kwetsbare situatie” – € 450.000 (PI: P. Hublart, i.s.m. K. Coppens, P. Vuijk, A. Donker, H. Smulders, A. Minnaert [consortium: NJi, ecbo, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Stichting voor Educatie en beroepsonderwijs Zadkine, Gilde Opleidingen, NHL Stenden Hogeschool, ROC Friesland College, Albeda college, ROC Midden Nederland]).
2019: DAAD-Stipendium (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst). P. S. Petri, Justus-Liebig Universität Gieβen, Betreuers: Prof. Dr. M. Kersting, Justus-Liebig Universität Gieβen & Prof. Dr. A. Minnaert, University of Groningen.
2020-2023: NRO PPO Gedrag en Passend Onderwijs 2e ronde 2019 - € 380.000 (3 years) (40.5.19630.027): Tussen wal en schip: De speciale onderwijsbehoeften van dubbel-bijzondere leerlingen [To fall between two stools: Special educational needs of twice exceptional students]. (prof. dr. E.H. Kroesbergen, dr. A.E.J. Burger-Veltmeijer, prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert & dr. A.J.M. Hoogeveen [consortium: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, ABV & Rijksuniversiteit Groningen])
2021-2023: ZonMW Expertisefunctie Zintuiglijk Gehandicapten (Visueel): 99K€. CommunicAble: Development of a dynamic assessment instrument as a basis for communication and language support of young blind and partially sighted children. (University of Groningen: dr. S. Damen (PI), prof. dr. H.J.M. Janssen, prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert; Radboud University of Nijmegen: dr. M. Vervloed; Bartiméus: M. D’Hont & W. Sijbrandi; Koninklijke Visio: M. de Lange)
2021: NRO PPO Gedrag en Passend Onderwijs (40.5.19630.007): Een soepele overgang. Leerlingen met speciale onderwijsbehoeften naar het regulier basisonderwijs [A smooth transition. Children with special educational needs into mainstream primary education]. (dr. M. Luinge, dr. M.L. Luttik, dr. A. Kassenberg & prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert [consortium: Hanzehogeschool Groningen & Rijksuniversiteit Groningen])
2022-2026: NRO PPO Gedrag en Passend Onderwijs 2e ronde - € 380.000 (4 years) (40.5.19630.007): Een soepele overgang. Leerlingen met speciale onderwijsbehoeften naar het regulier basisonderwijs [A smooth transition. Children with special educational needs into mainstream primary education]. (dr. M. Luinge, dr. M.L. Luttik, dr. A. Kassenberg & prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert [consortium: Hanzehogeschool Groningen & Rijksuniversiteit Groningen])
2024-2025: NRO Onderwijsondersteuning Fase 1 - vo-vso (dossiernummer 40.5.24942.116) “Een soepele start in het VO” [A smooth start in secondary education]. (Dr. M. Bochane, dr. M. Luinge, dr. A. Kassenberg, L. Buiter, R. Huisman, S. Wiegant, G. Hazenberg, E. Folmer & prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert [consortium: Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Dollard College, Openbaar Onderwijs Groningen (O2G2), Cosis, LEPOVO, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen])
Other research projects and funding:
2009 NUFFIC fellowship ‘Education for rural developement in Uganda: Towards new intervention programmes for early school leavers’ (prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert & dr. J.J.M. Zeelen)
2009 Funding Boppeslach - Province of Fryslan 'Interventie-onderzoek naar een ontwikkelvolgmodel GROEI 0-6 in kinderopvang en peuterspeelzaal' (prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert & dr. I. Oenema-Mostert)
2010 Bernouilli Scholarship ‘Inclusive education for students with special needs in Jakarta – teachers’ attitudes and best inclusive school practices’
2010 R&D funding CPS ‘Begaafdheidsprofielscholen VO: Kwaliteitsborging en kwaliteitsontwikkeling
2012 R&D funding CPS-Ministerie OC&W ‘Evaluatie Begaafdheidsprofielscholen VO’
2013 Research Education Deafblindness, funded by Kentalis and Nuts-Ohra (Prof. dr. H.J.M. Janssen, prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert & dr. G. Bol)
2016 China Scholarship Council (CSC) grant on Motivation and Emotion in Foreign Language acquisition
2017: Divorce Challenge (Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie): Prof. dr. M. Barendrecht & dr. C. Goosen (Hiil) ‘De uitdaging: rechtszorg in plaats van rechtsstrijd bij scheiding’. Expertise vanuit RUG: prof. dr. H. Grietens, dr. A.E. Zijlstra & prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert
2018-2021: Title and funding “EARLI - Centre for Innovative Research (E-CIR)” on the topic of “Measuring and supporting students’ social participation: Innovating the field with behavioral data” . (prof. dr. Nadine Spörer, prof. dr. Alexander Minnaert, prof. dr. Christian Huber, prof. dr. Christoph Stadtfeld, dr. Julia Eberle, dr. Anke de Boer, dr. Katja Petry, Thorsten Henke [consortium: Potsdam, Groningen, Zurich, Bochum, Leuven]
2020-2024: Research grant Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (National Council of Science and Technology) Mexico - 55K€ + 45K€ co-financing department of Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Groningen: “The interaction between teachers and children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Perspectives from secondary schools in the Netherlands and Mexico”. (F. Esqueda Villegas, dr. S. Van der Steen, & Prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert)
2021-2024: Academy of Finland: RESCUE. Strategic research programme: Pandemics as a challenge for society. [3.7 million €]. Consortium leaders prof. M.-K. Lerkkanen (University of Jyväskylä), prof. K. Salmela-Aro (University of Helsinki), & prof. M. Vauras (University of Turku) and RESCUE consortium members.
2021-2022: Topicus. [66K]. Ontwikkeling gedragsobservatielijst sociaal-emotioneel functioneren/leren [Development of behavioural observation assessment of social-emotional functioning]. A. Minnaert (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), B. de Groot (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) & D. Van Loon (VLOOON).
2022-2023: Topicus. [66K]. Ontwikkeling, validering en normering leerlinglijst sociaal-emotioneel functioneren/leren en Monitor Sociale Veiligheid [Development, validation, and standardization of students’ social-emotional functioning and of the social safety monitor]. A. Minnaert (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), B. De Groot (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), & D. Van Loon (VLOOON).
2023-2024: UWV. Ik-box: Pilot-onderzoek naar maatwerkgerichte trajecten voor (potentiële) thuiszitters [I-box: Pilot study on tailor-made pathways for (potential) early school leavers]. A. Minnaert (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen).
Research programme leader of "Learning and Educational Problems"
The crux in this research programme is situated in complex, multiple interactions between learner characteristics and education (mostly school) related factors (instructional methods, teachers, assessments, classes, schools, educational systems). This theme aims at the creation and maintenance of optimal conditions to take care of the behavioural, (meta)cognitive, motivational, social, and emotional development of learners.
Within the context of (inclusive) education and (remedial) teaching, our research aims at the development, implementation and evaluation of conditions conducive for learning and development at various levels of (pre-school) education.
Research within this theme is constituted of three clusters.
1. Research focusing on specific learning disorders, persistent learning problems and/or poor performances in one or more specific domains of learning (e.g. word reading, reading comprehension, language development, arithmetic tasks) and on early developmental skills (motor, social-emotional, verbal, numerical).
- Neurocognitive profiling and treatment of primary and comorbid dyslexia (De Groot, Van den Bos, Van der Meulen, Minnaert, in collaboration with UMCG)
- Early literacy and motor development in relation to the quality of home environment, parental informational literacy, the mediating role of parental expectations and beliefs and the impact of child related factors such as intelligence and executive functioning (Cantell, Houwen, Van der Veer, Kamphorst, Poolman, Minnaert, also in collaboration with Leseman, UU)
- A longitudinal study on arithmetic problems and math development in (regular and special) primary and secondary education (Danhof [CEDIN], Bandstra, Faber, Hofstetter, Ruijssenaars, Minnaert, in collaboration with Van Luit, UU and Desoete, University of Gent)
- Development and validation of word reading tests (Van den Bos, De Groot, Van der Meulen, in collaboration with ‘Stichting Dyslexie Nederland’) and of early childhood assessment (Frans, Post, Houwen, Cantell, Van der Veer, Pelgrim [Anton de Kom University, Suriname], Sanches [Anton de Kom University, Suriname], Bijlsma-Smoorenburg, Oenema-Mostert [NHL/Stenden & RUG], Minnaert, in collaboration with Tavecchio, UvA)
- Mind wandering and reading comprehension (Soemer, Idsardi, Schiefele [University of Potsdam])
2. Research focusing on the intertwining role of motivation, emotion and self-regulation in learners and teachers. This cluster pertains primordially to NWO financed projects on motivation, self-regulation and differentiation.
- Motivation. emotion and self-regulation in (vocational secondary and higher) education focusing on student-teacher interactions in various educational settings and on school-based interventions (Hou, Haakma, Kupers, Stroet, Petri, Prince, Loopers, Minnaert, in collaboration with Peetsma and Van der Veen [UvA], De Jong [Stoas/Vilentum], Vermunt [TU Eindhoven] and Kersting [Justus-Liebig-Universität Gieβen])
- Triggering the motivation and the engagement of the gifted: effects of cognitive and motivational differentiation (G. De Boer, Brakke, Snikkers, Majo [Applied University of Leiden], Minnaert) in collaboration with Kieboom, Venderickx [Exentra]
- Teachers’ (control) activities to enhance self-regulation among secondary students (Van Beek, Minnaert, in collaboration with De Jong, Stoas/Vilentum and Wubbels, UU) and into the boundary-crossing transition of school to workplace learning (Bos, Van Dellen, Minnaert)
3. Research focusing on student, teacher and school support/counselling from a meso- and macro-level approach on learning and education related problems. Topics as social integration, inclusive education, the professionalization of teachers, and financing of (special) education are the crux within this cluster.
- Social participation of students with behavioural problems, learning problems, intellectual disabilities and/or motor disabilities in regular and special educational settings (A. De Boer, Bijstra [RENN4], Douma, Kupers, de Leeuw, Pijl, Post, Rademaker, Van Alphen, Van der Putten, Waninge [Hanze], Kurniawati [Universitas Indonesia], Mangunsung [Universitas Indonesia], Minnaert)
- Teacher and classroom related factors conducive for students with learning or behavioural problems in inclusive educational settings (A. de Boer, Bijstra [RENN4], Pijl, Post, Minnaert) and teacher's professional autonomy (Oosterhoff [NHL/Stenden], Oenema-Mostert [NHL/Stenden & RUG], Terrie-Lynn Thompson [Stirling University], Minnaert)
- Interventions aiming at the professionalization of teachers in inclusive settings (Bijstra [RENN4], A. De Boer, Kupers, de Leeuw, Rademaker, Pijl, Van der Worp, Minnaert) or professionalization with respect to early school leavers (Tukundane, Kanyandago, Zeelen, Minnaert)
- Dynamic / need-based assessment of children with learning problems and/or mild intellectual disabilities (Tiekstra, Minnaert, in collaboration with Hessels, University of Geneva), of children with congenital or acquired deafblindness (Boers, Haakma, Wolters, Janssen, Damen, Rorije, Tosolini, Worm, Minnaert), of twice-exceptional children, e.g. intellectual giftedness and autism spectrum disorders/specific learning disorders/ADHD (Burger-Veltmeijer, Kroesbergen, Hoogeveen, Wittelings, Paans, Knoop-Van Campen, Beckmann, Minnaert [Raboud University & University of Groningen]; Rizzo, Pinnelli, Minnaert [University of Salento, University of Macerata & University of Groningen])
- Learning environments and (instructional) approaches conducive to learning: second/third language acquisition (Hou, Jansma, in collaboration with Klinkenberg, Fryske Academy) and students with chronic illness (Bakker, Pols, Oeseburg, Roodbol, in collaboration with UMCG/Wenckebach)
Ahmed, W. (2010, April 8). Expectancy-value antecedents and cognitive consequences of students’ emotions in mathematics. Doctoral dissertation, University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, GION, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotorees: Prof. dr. M. P. C. Van der Werf & Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert; co-promotor: dr. H. Kuyper]
Boers, E. (2015, April 2). Beyond the eyes. The development of a dynamic assessment procedure to measure the communication potential of people with congenital deafblindness. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. dr. H. J. M. Janssen, Prof. dr. A. J. J. M. Ruijssenaars & Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert]
Burger-Veltmeijer, A. (2016, March 17). Students with (suspicion of) Intellectual Giftedness in co-occurrence with Autism Spectrum Disorder (IG+ASD). A study aimed at understanding the phenomenon IG+ASD in relation to (needs-based) assessment. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotor: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert; co-promotor: Dr. E. J. van den Bosch†]
De Boer, A. A. (2012, May 31). Inclusion: a question of attitudes? A study on attitudes and the social participation of students with special educational needs in regular primary education . Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuisinstitute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. dr. S. J. Pijl & Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert ]
de Kleijn, A. D. (2025, februari 6). Leesmotivatie en persoonlijke groei in het literatuuronderwijs. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, Heymans Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. dr. M. Derksen, Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert, co-promotor: dr. T. C. H. Witte].
De Leeuw, R. R. (2020, February 27). Through the eyes of the beholder. Unfolding social participation “from within” the classroom. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotor: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert; copromotor, dr. A. A. de Boer].
Douma, I. (2024, February 5). Me myself and I: Explaining the self-concept of students in mainstream and special education through the eyes of their peers. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: dr. A. A. de Boer, Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert].
Frans, N. (2019, September 19). A captivating snapshot of standardized testing in early childhood: on the stability and utility of the Cito preschool/kindergarten tests. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert & dr. W. J. Post, co-promotor: dr. C. E. Oenema-Mostert].
Goosen, C. A. E. M. (2011, November 17). In vertrouwen … Een onderzoek naar de professionaliteit van de vertrouwenspersoon seksuele intimidatie. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuisinstitute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. dr. M. C. Timmerman & Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert ]
Groot, B. J. A. de (2015, March 19). Neurocognitive profiling of children with specific or comorbid reading disabilities. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. dr. K. P. van den Bos & Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert]
Haakma, I. (2015, December 17). Motivation to learn. Engaging students with congenital and acquired deafblindness. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. dr. H. J. M. Janssen & Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert]
Kamphorst, E. (2022, November 7). Well begun is half done. Unfolding multiple pathways to school readiness. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotor: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert, co-promotores: dr. S. Houwen & dr. M. H. Cantell].
Kurniawati, F. (2014, June 19). Teachers’ attitudes, knowledge, and teaching strategies towards students with special educational needs in primary inclusive education in Indonesia. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuisinstitute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert & Prof. dr. F. Mangunsong (Universitas Indonesia), co-promotor: Dr. A. A. de Boer]
Loopers, J. (2022, June 14). Unravelling the dynamics of intrinsic motivation of students wit hand without special educational needs. . A self-determination theory perspective. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotor: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert; copromotores, dr. W. E. Kupers, dr. A. A. de Boer, dr. F. P. C. M. de Jong (Aereas University of Applied Sciences, Open University)].
Lunsingh Scheurleer-Hazenoot, M. (2010, May 27). De betekenis van Cornelia Philippi-Siewertsz van Reesema 1880-1963 voor de ontwikkeling van het onderwijs aan het jonge kind. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuisinstitute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. dr. H. W. van Essen & Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert]
Oosterhoff, M. G. (2021, April 1). Turning the kaleidoscope. Multiple enactments of professional autonomy in Early Childhood Education. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotor: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert, co-promotores: dr. C. E. Oenema-Mostert & dr. T-L. Thompson (Stirling University)].
Petri, P. S. (2020, July 22). Ein Prozessmodell des Studieneinstiegs: Differentielle Aspekte studiumsbezogener Kognitionen und deren Effekte auf Studienerfolg und Studienabbruch. Doctoral dissertation Summa cum Laude at Justus-Liebig-Universität Gieβen, Fachbereich Psychologie und Sportwissenschaften, Instituut für Psychologische Diagnostiek, Gieβen, Germany. [promotores: Prof. dr. M. Kersting (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gieβen) & Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert].
Poolman, B. G. (2016, March 10). Differences in language development among young children in Northeast Netherlands. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert & Prof. dr. P. M. M. Leseman (Utrecht University), & dr. J. M. Doornenbal† (Hanzehogeschool Groningen)]
Prince, A. (2014. June 26). Motivation: How to tame the elephant in the classroom? A study aimed at understanding motivation and testing the effect of interventions on the motivation of students in pre-vocational education. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuisinstitute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotor: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert, co-promotor: Dr. M. C. J. L. Opdenakker]
Rademaker, F. (2024, February 1). Step by Step: Promoting the social participation of kindergarten students with disabilities. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotor: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert; copromotores, dr. A. A. de Boer, dr. W. E. Kupers)].
Rozendaal, J. S. (2002, May 1). Motivation and information processing in innovative secondary vocational education. Doctoral dissertation, Leiden University, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden, The Netherlands. [promotor: Prof. Dr. M. Boekaerts; co-promotor: Dr. A. Minnaert]
Sitoe, A. (2006, December 14). Epistemological beliefs and perceptions of education in Africa. An explorative study with high school students in Mozambique. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Centre for Development Studies, Research Report 19, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. Dr. M. Van der Kamp & Prof. Dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert, co-promotor: dr. G. J. Tillekens]
Smoorenburg, B. Y. (2013, Oktober 17). ”Zie je ze GROEIen!?” Hoe observatie van authentiek gedrag, evaluatie en planning met GOLDTM-NL het pedagogische handelen van voorschoolse professionals kan versterken. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuisinstitute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert & Prof. dr. L. W. C. Tavecchio (UvA), co-promotor: Dr. C. E. Oenema-Mostert]
Stroet, K. F. A. (2014, October 16). Studying motivation in classrooms. Effects of teaching practices on early adolescents’ motivation. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuisinstitute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotor: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert, co-promotor: Dr. M. C. J. L. Opdenakker]
Tiekstra, M. (2016, February 11). Fostering the learning potential of at-risk students in the classroom. Studies into the consequential validity of dynamic assessment. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert & Prof. dr. M. Hessels, Université de Genève]
Tukundane, C. (2014, February 27). Education and skills for development. Transforming support programmes for early school leavers in Uganda. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuisinstitute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert & Prof. dr. P. Kanyandago (Martyrs University, Uganda), co-promotor: Dr. J. J. M. Zeelen]
van Alphen, L. (2023, October 19). Towards evidence-based support in motor activation of people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. Dr. A. A. J. van der Putten & Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert; copromotor, dr. A. Waninge (UMCG)].
Van Beek, J. (2015, November 5). Teaching for student self-regulated learning. Studies in secondary vocational education. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert & Prof. dr. Th. Wubbels, Utrecht University; co-promotor: Dr. F. P. C. M. de Jong, Stoas Wageningen/Vilentum Hogeschool]
Van der Kamp, A. J. (2018, October 25). SEN and the art of teaching. The effect of systematic academic instruction on the academic and behavioural problems of students with EBD in special education.Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert & Prof. dr. S. J. Pijl, co-promotores: dr. W. J. Post & J. O. Bijstra (RENN4)].
van der Veer, G. (2022, May 12). The relationship between motor performance and executive functioning in 3- to 5-year-old children. Does operationalization matter? Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotor: Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert, co-promotores: dr. S. Houwen & dr. M. H. Cantell].
Wolthuis, K. (2021, June 3). Layered communication development. The creation of a model that can describe, monitor and improve intersubjective communication between people with congenital deafblindness and others. Doctoral dissertation at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Nieuwenhuis Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands. [promotores: Prof. dr. H. J. M. Janssen, Prof. dr. A. E. M. G. Minnaert, co-promotor: dr. G. W. Bol].
Laatst gewijzigd: | 06 februari 2025 22:39 |