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Ssst! We are doing research!

How do we communicate with each other as neigbours? And do residents comply to the agreed rules of living in harmony? In the project Ssst! We are doing research!, residents of the Schilderswijk, the municipality of Groningen, WIJ Groningen and the University of Groningen jointly conduct a questionnaire study on social cohesion in the Schilderswijk Groningen. It should provide an idea of ​​how communication takes place between residents individually and between residents and the municipality, and provide insight into the effects of the communication campaign Ssst!.

One of the Ssst! billboards in the Schilderswijk
One of the Ssst! billboards in the Schilderswijk

About 100 second-year students from the Communication and Information Sciences (CIS) programme conduct the research within the course Questionnaire and Interview Design. They are supervised by a research committee that includes all parties involved: residents, municipality, students, teachers, prevention coach, nuisance coordinator and the Science Shop Language, Culture and Communication. If you live in the Schilderswijk and would like to know more about this project (or want to join the research committee) , feel free to look around our website or send us an email at tawi

Last modified:29 November 2023 11.41 a.m.
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