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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Bringing sustainability science forward
Rudolf Agricola School Research Democracy & Governance

Human Mobility & Migration Lab

In the (near) future human mobility and migration are expected to accelerate further, due to growing inequality and shifts in global (economic) power, regional implications of climate change and resource scarcity, increasing urbanisation, and demographic and social change.


The researchers involved in this lab represent specialists from Law, Sociology, Political Studies, International Relations, and Cultural & Literary Studies at all stages of their careers, establishing a generation of interdisciplinary researchers. Together we consider the impacts of human mobility and migration on communities, as well as reconcile divergent interests in and approaches to the topic by fostering exchange and identifying new approaches that will lead to sustainable solutions to the challenges that contemporary diverse societies face.

Comparative perspective

Bringing together these specialists has resulted in several solid ideas for research, teaching and outreach activities. These will be further developed from a comparative perspective, aligning with international partners from within our lab’s network in Europe, Canada, and the U.S. and establishing contacts with new partners.


We particularly focus on dissonances that undermine (democratic) institutions and ultimately threaten societal cohesion, and proposes to offer possibilities for repair. Our understanding of dissonance relates to the gaps that exist between governance and lived experiences. We will examine possibilities for repair - a way of thinking and doing things to address the gaps - by focussing on the interplay between governance and lived experiences with regard to human mobility and migration.

Contact - Academic Leads

mr. dr. Raymond Adema (Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid)

dr. Jeanette den Toonder (Faculteit der Letteren)

  • Tel.: 050 36 35891

  • E-mail:

Group Members

Mr. dr. Raymond Adema - (International) Tax Law, Expertise: interaction between (inter)national and European tax law 

Ms. Alina Achenbach - Ph.D. researcher in International Relations, Expertise: border resistance and formations of transnational solidarities 

Prof. dr. Başak Bilecen - Sociology, Expertise: international migration, transnational social protection, personal network analysis, mixed-methods research design, health and well-being

Dr. Jonas Bornemann - International and European Law, Expertise: developments in European constitutional and migration law

Dr. Çigdem Bozdag Bucak - Communication Studies, Cultural Studies, Expertise: digital media use, digital literacy, digital inclusion, media education in schools, media and migration, inter- and transcultural communication

Dr. Marian Counihan - Philosophy, Expertise: development of logical reasoning ability and its relation to culture and educational context

Dr. Tilman Lanz -  International Relations, Anthropology, Continental Philosophy, Linguistics, Expertise: Migration, Europe, Islam, Postcolonialism, Temporality, National Minorities in Europe

Dr. Seonok Lee - Sociology, Expertise: global labour migration, labour market integration, inequality, racial hierarchies, class, and gender

Dr. Guilherme Marques Pedro - International Relations, Philosophy, Law, Expertise: IR theory, political thought, human rights, history and theory of international law, migration ethics

Dr. Senka Neuman-Stanivukoviç - International Relations, Expertise: Europeanization, citizenship, (dis)integration and focus on South-East and East-Central Europe

Dr. Marek Neuman - International Relations, Expertise: European integration, EU foreign policy, EU-Russia relations, Central and Eastern European countries

Dr. Jeanette den Toonder - Literary and Cultural Studies, Expertise: contemporary literature and culture in French, Canadian Studies, migrant and minority writing, Franco-Iranian women's writing, gender studies, life writing

Student internships

Ms. Loura Kruger-Zwart (Sept-Dec 2022)

Ms. Cynthia van Tongeren (Sept 2023-present)

Ms. Hannah Schuback (Sept-Dec 2024)

Last modified:09 December 2024 3.39 p.m.
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