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Over ons Faculty of Science and Engineering Our Research GRIP Chemische en Farmaceutische Biologie


Prof. dr. Gerrit J. Poelarends
Telefoon: 050 36 33354
E-mail: g.j.poelarends
Kamer: 3215-921

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy
Basiseenheid Chemische en Farmaceutische Biologie
Antonius Deusinglaan 1 (XB30)
9713 AV Groningen
The Netherlands
Eline Kos
Telefoon: 050 36 38174
E-mail: e.kos
Kamer: 3215-913

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy
Basiseenheid Chemische en Farmaceutische Biologie
Antonius Deusinglaan 1 (XB30)
9713 AV Groningen
The Netherlands

Angeli, C., MSc
Argyrou, A.E., MSc
Atienza Sanz, S., MSc
Baroni, D.
Bhat, M.F., PhDFaizan
Caldana, G.D.
Chadimová, V., MSc
Chen, S.C.Siyao050 36 33296PhD student
Cool, dr. R.H.Robbert06 3192 1248Docent Farmacie Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Heterologous protein production; Protein purification; Protein-protein interactions; Surface plasmon resonance (SPR); Small GTPases; Cytokines (TRAIL; RANKL; MIF) and their receptors Biochemie & Moleculaire Biologie
Dekker, dr. F.J.Frank06 3192 11183211.0326Universitair Hoofd Docent Farmaceutische Epigenetica Organische chemie, enzym kinetiek, bioorthagonale reacties, cellulaire modelsystemen Chemie, Medische
Biochemie & Moleculaire Biologie
Dursun, E.Ercan050 36 37864PhD student
Elsayed, A.A.F.PhD student
Ettema, P.E.050 36 33064
Fodran, P., DrPeter Synthesis of natural products, photo(redox) catalysis Chemie, Organische
Gawriljuk Ferraro Oliveira, V., MSc050 36 33296Protein Crystallography
Drug Discovery
Gong, X.
Groves, M.R., ProfMatthew050 36 333050474Associate Professor Protein Crystallography
Structure-based Drug Design
Hallamaa, M.
Haslinger, K., DrKristina050 36 347963215-917Assistant Professor for Pharmaceutical Biology Natural product discovery and characterization
Engineering of microbial cell factories
Enzyme discovery and characterization
Structural Biology, macromolecular X-ray crystallography
Biochemie & Moleculaire Biologie
Biotechnologie & Toegepaste Microbiologie
He, T.
Hein, A., BSc
Kipp, R.C., MScCarina
Kos, E.Eline050 36 38174Building 3215 | Room 913Management Office Assistent
Li, X.PhD student
Li, Y.YongxinPhD student
Meier, H.P.F.
Merkerk, ing. R. van050 36 33326
Miao, H.HuiPhD student
Mu, R.PhD student
Oerlemans, R., MSc050 36 33296
Osipyan, A., MSc
Poelarends, prof. dr. G.J.Gerrit050 36 333543215-921Hoogleraar Farmaceutische Biotechnologie Biokatalyse, enzymologie, enzym engineering, directed evolution, enzym remmers, synthetische biologie Biochemie & Moleculaire Biologie
Biotechnologie & Toegepaste Microbiologie
Chemie, Medische
Pool, V.D., MScVictorPhD StudentBiochemie & Moleculaire Biologie
Biotechnologie & Toegepaste Microbiologie
Prats Luján, A., MScAlexFarmacie
Biochemie & Moleculaire Biologie
Biotechnologie & Toegepaste Microbiologie
Quax, prof. dr. W.J.Wim050 36 325583215-917 (Chemical & Pharmaceutical Biology)Hoogleraar Farmaceutische BiologieBiotechnologie
Farmaceutische Biologie
Moleculaire Biologie
For more details See Publications in Google Scolar
Biotechnologie & Toegepaste Microbiologie
Geneeskunde, Zuiver Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
Schmidt, prof. dr. S.Sandy050 36 33363Assistant Professor (Rosalind Franklin Fellow) Biocatalysis, Redox enzymes, Biocatalytic cascades, Protein engineering, Synthetic biology, Strain engineering Biochemie & Moleculaire Biologie
Biotechnologie & Toegepaste Microbiologie
Schröder, S.SimonPromovendus Microbiële biotechnologie, NNzymes, analytische methoden, bio-informatica
Setroikromo, ing. R.050 36 34426
Shalas, A.F.Alvan FebrianPhD studentChemie, Medische
Sokolova, N.V., MScNikaMolecular biology
Sun, X.
Tepper, P.G.Pieter050 36 33299Research chemistBiochemie & Moleculaire Biologie
Chemie, Organische
Chemie, Analytische
Terholsen, H., PhD
Vajente, M., MSc
Velde, J.J.H. van der, MSc
Wang, Z.PhD student
Wu, W.Y., PhDWen050 36 398663211-0330Universitair Docent - Chemische en Farmaceutische Biologie CRISPR-Cas, Protein Engineering, High throughput screening, Synthetic Biology Biochemie & Moleculaire Biologie
Biotechnologie & Toegepaste Microbiologie
Wu, Z.ZhengyangPhD studentChemie, Medische
Biochemie & Moleculaire Biologie
Yang, L.
Zhang, J.PhD student
Zhou, H.PhD student
Laatst gewijzigd:17 maart 2025 10:23
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