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About us Faculty of Science and Engineering Our Research GRIP Chemical and Pharmaceutical Biology


Head of the research group
Prof. Gerrit J. Poelarends
Phone: ​00-31-(0)50-3633354
Email: g.j.poelarends
Room: 3215-921

University of Groningen
Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy
Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Biology
Antonius Deusinglaan 1 (XB30)
9713 AV Groningen
The Netherlands
Eline Kos
Phone: ​00-31-(0)50-3638174
Email: e.kos
Room: 3215-913

University of Groningen
Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy
Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Biology
Antonius Deusinglaan 1 (XB30)
9713 AV Groningen
The Netherlands

NameFirst nameTelephoneE-mailRoomFunctionExpertiseDisciplines
Angeli, C., MSc
Argyrou, A.E., MSc
Atienza Sanz, S., MSc
Baroni, D.
Bhat, M.F., PhDFaizan
Caldana, G.D.
Chadimová, V., MSc
Chen, S.C.Siyao+31 50 36 33296PhD student
Cool, dr. R.H.Robbert+31 6 3192 1248Lecturer Pharmacy Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Heterologous protein production; Protein purification; Protein-protein interactions; Surface plasmon resonance (SPR); Small GTPases; Cytokines (TRAIL; RANKL; MIF) and their receptors Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Dekker, dr. F.J.Frank+31 6 3192 11183211.0326Associate professor Pharmaceutical Epigenetics Organic chemistry, enzyme kinetics, bioorthogonal reactions, cell-based studies Chemistry, Medicinal
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Dursun, E.Ercan+31 50 36 37864PhD student
Elsayed, A.A.F.PhD student
Ettema, P.E.+31 50 36 33064
Fodran, P., DrPeter Synthesis of natural products, photo(redox) catalysis Chemistry, Organic
Gawriljuk Ferraro Oliveira, V., MSc+31 50 36 33296Protein Crystallography
Drug Discovery
Gong, X.
Groves, M.R., ProfMatthew+31 50 36 333050474Associate Professor Protein Crystallography
Structure-based Drug Design
Infectious Diseases
Hallamaa, M.
Haslinger, K., DrKristina+31 50 36 347963215-917Assistant Professor for Pharmaceutical Biology Natural product discovery and characterization
Engineering of microbial cell factories
Enzyme discovery and characterization
Structural Biology, macromolecular X-ray crystallography
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology
He, T.
Hein, A., BSc
Kipp, R.C., MScCarina
Kos, E.Eline+31 50 36 38174Building 3215 | Room 913Management Office Assistant
Li, X.PhD student
Li, Y.YongxinPhD student
Meier, H.P.F.
Merkerk, ing. R. van+31 50 36 33326
Miao, H.HuiPhD student
Mu, R.PhD student
Oerlemans, R., MSc+31 50 36 33296
Osipyan, A., MSc
Poelarends, prof. dr. G.J.Gerrit+31 50 36 333543215-921Professor of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Biocatalysis, enzymology, protein engineering, directed evolution, enzyme inhibitors, synthetic biology Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology
Chemistry, Medicinal
Pool, V.D., MScVictorPhD StudentBiochemistry & Molecular Biology
Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology
Prats Luján, A., MScAlexPharmacy
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology
Quax, prof. dr. W.J.Wim+31 50 36 325583215-917 (Chemical & Pharmaceutical Biology)Professor of Pharmaceutical BiologyBiotechnologyPharmaceutical BiologyMolecular BiologyAntibiotics 
For more details See Publications in Google Scolar
Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology
Cell Biology
Medicine, Research & Experimental
Schmidt, prof. dr. S.Sandy+31 50 36 33363Associate Professor (Rosalind Franklin Fellow) Biocatalysis, Redox enzymes, Biocatalytic cascades, Protein engineering, Synthetic biology, Strain engineering Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology
Schröder, S.SimonPhD student Microbial biotechnology, NNzymes, analytical methods, bioinformatics
Setroikromo, ing. R.+31 50 36 34426
Shalas, A.F.Alvan FebrianPhD studentChemistry, Medicinal
Sokolova, N.V., MScNikaMolecular biology
Sun, X.
Tepper, P.G.Pieter+31 50 36 33299Research chemistBiochemistry & Molecular Biology
Chemistry, Organic
Chemistry, Analytical
Terholsen, H., PhD
Vajente, M., MSc
Velde, J.J.H. van der, MSc
Wang, Z.PhD student
Wu, W.Y., PhDWen+31 50 36 398663211-0330Assistant Professor - Chemical Pharmaceutical Biology CRISPR-Cas, Protein Engineering, High throughput screening, Synthetic Biology Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology
Wu, Z.ZhengyangPhD studentChemistry, Medicinal
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Yang, L.
Zhang, J.PhD student
Zhou, H.PhD student
Last modified:17 March 2025 10.23 a.m.
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