PhD Programmes

The Graduate School of Medical Sciences (GSMS) may offer different opportunities to you as a prospective PhD candidate. Support ranges from locating potential supervisors to tailor-made advice in line with the funding structures you may have access to.
Note that, according to the University of Groningen PhD regulations, the primary supervisor must be affiliated with the University of Groningen / UMCG. The co-supervisor must be employed by a university and must have the right to use the title ‘Doctor’ in the Netherlands or must have obtained a doctorate and must have expertise in the relevant academic field or fields.
For more assistance or in case of questions regarding the PhD opportunities, we would like to refer to the websites and/or contact persons listed below. Please also visit our international section of the GSMS here.
1. Externally Funded PhD
Many of our international PhD candidates come with funding from their own government or have other sources of external funding. This gives you ample liberty to design your project in communication with your PhD supervisor. The Graduate School will support your application for external funding if one of our researchers has agreed to supervise you.
For more information: contact our Coordinator Internationalization Joyce Fongers
2. Sandwich PhD Scholarships
Consult this page to find out more about the ins- and outs of Sandwich PhD funding.
In this section, we particularly want to highlight the opportunities that are offered as part of the Abel Tasman Talent Programme (ATTP). Within ATTP, we offer funded Sandwich PhD Scholarships in collaboration with Strategic Partners. Candidates usually pursue the first two years of their PhD training at their home university, followed by two years spent at the University of Groningen/University Medical Center Groningen where their thesis is completed. You will be supervised by at least two supervisors, one at each institution. The UMCG PhD supervisor must follow the instructions available here to apply for ATTP Sandwich PhD funding.
ATTP Sandwich PhD structures are very flexible and may lead to a double or joint doctoral degree, but in any case, a single doctoral degree with a PhD thesis dis efended at the University of Groningen.
For more information: contact our Coordinator Internationalization Joyce Fongers
3. Self-funded PhD
Consult this FAQ page that is particularly relevant to prospective candidates who do not hold a European nationality.
For more information: contact our Coordinator Internationalization Joyce Fongers
4. (Research) Master to PhD
The most talented students who have completed one of the Selective Master programmes at the GSMS have the opportunity to apply for a fully funded 3-year PhD education and training programme. In the final stages of your master's, you will write and defend your own PhD project proposal. The most excellent projects are awarded funding.
5. Regular 3 or 4-year PhD positions
Individual researchers or research groups may offer 3 to 4-year PhD positions if they have acquired personal or project grants, for example from the EU (H2020), the Dutch National Research Foundation (NWO/ZonMW), Industry, or another source. PhD researchers on these types of grants, if selected, will usually be employed and thus receive a salary for the duration of the PhD project. Applying to such a position resembles applying to a regular job.
Information on these types of positions does not reside with the Graduate School but may be found on the UMCG website. Alternatively, you may contact the PhD supervisor of your choice directly to inquire about opportunities.
6. (D)MD/PhD Programme
The (D)MD/PhD programme offers students the opportunity to combine their MD and PhD training to ultimately obtain a (D)MD and PhD degree. In this programme, MD-PhD candidates spend an additional two years (i.e. 6+2) on scientific research alongside their regular medical or dental educational programme. The MD-PhD is very flexible and gives students the possibility to, in addition to their clinical training, develop a wide variety of research skills and competencies in their field of interest.
Note that this option is open to candidates who have enrolled in the Groningen MD programme. An international version of the MD-PhD is part of the ATTP Sandwich PhD as outlined under point 2, see for example this international MD-PhD programme with partner Universidad de Antioquia.
For more information: contact dr. Sophia Bruggeman at gsms umcg.nl.
7. Tailor-made PhD position
This category aims at professionals who look for a new challenge and want to pursue a PhD degree in combination with their job within or outside the UMCG/RUG or in their spare time. These positions are either paid for by the employer of the professional or they are self-funded. Each person must be supervised by a minimum of two supervisors.
For more information on prospective candidates from the EU: contact Dr. Sophia Bruggeman at gsms umcg.nl.
For more information on prospective candidates from outside the EU: please consult this webpage.
Last modified: | 13 February 2025 4.53 p.m. |