Contact us
Secretary to the Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Ms Paulien de Haan: Email: gsms umcg.nl, Phone: +31 50 361 6151
Recruitment and selection GSMS:
More information about recruitment and selection can be found on our webpage www.groningenbiomed.com.
GSMS - PhD's Office
Prof. dr. J (Jolanda) Smit, Director
dr. D.F. (Desiree) Jansen, General manager
dr. S.W.M. (Sophia) Bruggeman, Recruitment and selection
drs. J.E. (Joyce) Fongers, Coordinator Internationalization
Ms. M.M. (Manuela) Barba, Internationalization, Joint/Double PhD degrees
dr. S.N. (Sandra) Zwart-Slagter, Coordinator PhD programme
Ms. M.T.L. (Mathilde) Pekelaer, Executive secretary & Internationalization staff
Ms. P. (Paulien) de Haan, GS office secretary staff & Internationalization staff
Ms. E.T. (Evelyn) Kuiper-Drenth, GS office secretary staff & Research school BCN secretary
Ms. A.H. (Arma) Hartman, Staff member (D)MD/PhD programme, Mandema Stipend
drs. D.H. (Diana) Koopmans, PhD coordinator research school BCN
Ms. M.H. (Maaike) Bansema, PhD education staff
Ms. R.C. (Renate) Kroese, PhD education staff
Ms. H. (Henriette) Niewold, Faculty beadle
dr. E.J.K. (Stella) Noach, PhD confidential advisor and PhD counselor
Ms. H.M. (Hilde) Dijksterhuis-Kapper, MA, International Marketing & Communication Coordinator
Last modified: | 01 February 2025 12.42 p.m. |