Key researchers and their expertise
- Prof. Sjoerd Beugelsdijk (Culture, International business, Foreign direct investment, Multinationals, Institutions)
- Prof. Dirk Bezemer (financial economics, Monetary analysis, Growth and development
- Prof. Steven Brakman (International trade, Economics of agglomeration, International transfers, Exchange rates, International macroeconomics)
- Prof. Erik Dietzenbacher (Input output analysis, Industrial Ecology, International Trade, Industrial Organization, Eonomic growth)
- Prof. Rian Drogendijk (Internationalization strategy of firms; Organization of Multinational Corporations; Cross Cultural Management; Measures of Cultural Distance or Differences)
- Prof. Harry Garretsen (International economics and geography, Economics of agglomeration, FDI and international business, Economic growth and development, International monetary and financial economics)
- Prof. Jakob de Haan (Monetary policy, Fiscal policy, Political economy, European integration, Economic growth)
- Prof. Robert Inklaar (Economic growth and development)
- Prof. Bart Los (Global Value Chains, International Trade, Technology spillovers, Input-Output Analysis, Data Envelopment Analysis, Regional Economics)
- Prof. Alan Muller (Antecedents and outcomes of corporate social responsiveness (CSR), Multinationals and the drivers & structure of cross-border CSR, Organizational attention patterns, identity and managers’ values as intrinsic drivers of CSR)
- Prof. Marcel Timmer (Productivity, International comparisons, Technological change, Industrial development, Asia)
- Dr. Gaaitzen de Vries (International Development Economics, Structural Change, Global Value Chains)
See the programme website for a full list of faculty

Last modified: | 16 December 2022 11.04 a.m. |