OB PhD Candidates
Research Project
Beek, Sabine van de
Autonomy in Context: Understanding Employee Perceptions in Flexible Work Arrangements
Bieselt, Helena
Gender ratio and power dynamics in mixed-gender teams: implications for gender inequality in organizations
Chen, Cheng
The effectiveness of boundary spanning: the role of information absorption
Fastje, Franzisca
The antecedents and consequences of hybrid work arangements: a multi-level perspective
Fraros, George
Moving towards sustainability: balancing additive and subtractive innovation |
Hinsberg, Kyra van
Women in leadership positions: an investigation into the advantages and disadvantages of holding a senior position
Kang, Yezi
How do newcomers get better socialized over time through their interpersonal relationships? |
Lier, Tijn van
Who does what teamwork in self-managing teams?
Ockels, Giulio
The importance of legitimacy in disentangling the complex relationship between control, trust, and performance in teams |
Paryono, Herman
Toward a theory of multiple-role configurations
Qu, Yi
Blessing or Curse: Work from Home and Gender (In)Equality in Upward Mobility
Sari, Tunahan
Navigating Diversity: Exploring social interactions between LGB and heterosexual team members through the meta-stereotype lens
Schiphorst, Wout
Under pressure: how auditors remain independent in their interactions with clients
Wermser, Frederik
Effects of identification with multiple subgroups versus superordinate categories on post-integration identification: a longitudinal research of identification processes during organizational integration
Xu, Sylvia
Communicating morality: the good, the bad and the ugly |
Ykema, Yke
Zhang, Jinghao
Don't treat me like a tool! Objectification process during leader-follower interaction
Zhao, Tongtong
What, how, and when gendered advice relations influence women’s advancement: a meso-level perspective |
Last modified: | 28 March 2025 09.49 a.m. |