Presencing Awareness (Āgāhī-i Ḥuzūrī): An Emerging Spirituality in Iran
Date: | 30 August 2024 |
Author: | Javad Taheri |
In this post, I want to discuss a new form of spirituality that is emerging in contemporary Iran. Its followers do not choose a specific name for their community but emphasize that they are seekers of ‘Presencing Awareness’. This anonymity, I assume, stems...
Raphael Dwamena, a death foretold? Consider factors beyond personal faith and religious zeal
Date: | 08 July 2024 |
Author: | Uroš Kovač |
Adventures in Eden
Date: | 27 May 2024 |
Author: | Sven Gins |
Biodiversity loss, artificial intelligence, and legal personhood of animals would seem to be topics of debate reserved for modern times. In my work as a medievalist, I cast light on the premodern roots of these interrelated topics. I read medieval...
Caring for the future: Contemporary Pagans & engagement with environmentalismin Portugal and the United Kingdom
Date: | 10 April 2024 |
Author: | Joana Martins |
We are currently experiencing a period in our collective history marked by social, environmental, political, and health crises, characterized by high levels of uncertainty and anxiety. These affect the living conditions of people and their livelihoods, and...
Religious Ecology and Tree Discourse in Nigerian Pentecostalism
Date: | 28 March 2024 |
Author: | Francis Adebayo |
Tree discourse captures how humans name, characterise and relate to trees. In Africa, tree discourse is laden with religious and sacred meanings coterminous with a worldview that spirits inhabit spaces such as trees, stones, and water to mention a few....
Harnessing Local Traditional Beliefs in Environmental Advocacy and Peacebuilding: FORB Interventions in Indonesia and Kenya
Date: | 07 March 2024 |
Author: | Fathima Azmiya Badurdeen |
Freedom of Religion or Belief (FORB) interventions are geared to strengthen locally acknowledged traditional beliefs in environmental conservation and the development of holistic peacebuilding where knowledge and practice are co-created with indigenous...
Once upon a time, there was a princess and a priest...
Date: | 12 February 2024 |
Author: | Kim Knibbe |
Last Sunday, I went into the centre of the town of Maastricht with my family to celebrate Carnaval and watch the ‘Bonte Storm’ (the colourful storm, as big parade on Sunday is called). We walked slowly, often stopping to admire a group with particularly...
The space for bias in the assessment of converted and apostate asylum seekers
Date: | 22 January 2024 |
Author: | Hannelore Schouwstra |
Fearing persecution because of belief
Migration policy has long worked as the non-psychical border of a state, through which one is allowed access into a process of exclusion or inclusion (Fossum & Olsen, 2021). An asylum seeker has to receive the status...
Grammar as a Tool for Overcoming Inter-Religious Misunderstanding: A Philosophical Approach
Date: | 18 December 2023 |
Author: | Javad Taheri |
In the richly diverse context of multicultural societies, inter-religious understanding stands as a crucial pillar for societal harmony. Within this context, one might ask: What key factors contribute to the problems associated with inter-religious...
From Ethiopia’s Highlands to India’s Villages, How Faith Organizations Are Restoring the World’s Forests
Date: | 19 November 2023 |
Author: | Elisabet Aylwin, Peter Veit, Alberto Pallecchi and Carrick Reddin |
Forests once covered an estimated 40% of Ethiopia’s landscape. Today, only 2% of the country’s original forests remain intact, dotting the country with small pockets of green.