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Groningen–Osaka biannual conference 2015 – global health humanitarianism

Date:24 August 2015
Author:GHLG Blog

In the context of celebrating 10 years of the Osaka university office in Groningen Osaka and Groningen propose to discuss the issue of global health in humanitarianism (an issue in both Universities’ field of interest) in an interdisciplinary setting during a one-day seminar, bringing together experts from a variety of fields engaged in research and policy on global health in contemporary humanitarianism. Conceptualisation and codification of a harmonised approach, the actual level of integratedness of global health and humanitarianism in the transformative approach and the interplay between humanitarian principles and global health values can be addressed. Please find an extended description attached. Would you like to present your research and share your insights in this issue area in an international setting? Please contact Joost Herman (j.herman for further info.

Date: October 9th

Venue: Academy building, University of Groningen

Reception included


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