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Urgent call for human rights guidance on diets and food systems

Date:01 November 2019
Earlier this year, the Lancet Commission on Obesity called for “a radical rethink of business models, food systems, civil society involvement, and national and international governance” to address the interlinked crises of obesity, undernutrition, and climate change.

Self-Managed Medication Abortion in Global Perspective

Date:25 October 2019
In many countries, the use of self-managed medication abortion is increasing, because of practical and legal barriers for access to abortion. Even in countries that allow abortion as a matter of law, it can be very difficult to obtain an abortion as a practical matter.
Groningen Rookvrij

Niet langer roken op straat of in de auto?

Date:03 October 2019
In een multidisciplinair onderzoeksproject gefinancierd door het Longfonds gaat hoogleraar gezondheidsrecht Brigit Toebes met onderzoekers uit andere disciplines op zoek naar de aard en reikwijdte van rookvrije ruimtes; zones binnen en buiten waar niet gerookt mag worden.
At the climate march

Change is gonna come

Date:02 October 2019
I was this week in New York, at the United Nations. More specifically I participated in the UN High Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage as a representative of the Medicus Mundi International Network Health for All!
Austerity to rescue the big banks from failing (Indranil Mukhopadhyay)

The Universal Health Coverage Divide

Date:02 October 2019
There was once a dream. A dream that led to the establishment of the United Nations (UN) in 1946 whereby an idealistic view of international cooperation was regarded as a key mechanism to prevent war and free humanity from widespread misery.

Facts on NCDs – why don’t they lead to a healthier policy?1

Date:16 September 2019
Organizing health might seem to be an easy task. Universities or other research institutes produce epidemiological data on health-risk behaviour such as smoking or negligent driving regarding NCDs, or produce forecasts on the likely future burden of various diseases or disabilities
"Dear Pharma"

Dutch Minister of Health writes open letter to pharma, threatens to name and shame

Date:29 August 2019
“Dear Pharma,” writes the Dutch Minister of Health, Bruno Bruins in an open letter in the daily newspaper the Volkskrant, “Last week two messages jumped out for me in the press. One nice message: two new important cancer drugs are included in the basic [coverage] package.
The war on breastfeeding

Trump: the war on breastfeeding

Date:28 August 2019
The New York Times reports that US officials threatened to unleash trade sanctions and withdraw military aid from Ecuador unless it withdrew a resolution at May’s World Health Assembly calling on governments to “protect, promote and support breast-feeding”.
The ‘No Jab, No Pay’ Policy

The ‘No Jab, No Pay’ Policy: Cure or Early Stage Disease?

Date:21 August 2019
Immunisations prevent disabilities and mortalities resulting from infectious diseases. They are one of the most cost-effective, widespread used public health interventions.[1] However, increasing numbers of parents seek exemptions from vaccinating their children.
Questioning Ethiopia’s Internet shutdown measures through the lens of the Right to Health

Questioning Ethiopia’s Internet shutdown measures through the lens of the Right to Health

Date:28 June 2019
In Ethiopia, from 11 to 18 June 2019, the internet was completely closed down; this means the country was without internet for eight consecutive days.