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Protecting Human Rights by Limiting Them: The Strategy to Combat Covid-19

Date:23 March 2020
Ratna Juwita - The world is facing an unprecedented global health challenge in the 21st century: Covid-19. Covid-19 has reshaped our understanding of the ways we combat viruses. Since its initial detection in Wuhan in late 2019,[1] Covid-19 has infected people globally.[2]

COVID-19 uitbraak is zaak van internationaal recht en mensenrechten

Date:22 March 2020
Brigit Toebes - De uitbraak van het COVID-19 virus is een zaak van internationaal recht en mensenrechten. De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) moet meer juridische en financiële armslag krijgen om op te treden indien zich een dergelijke uitbraak voordoet.

Landen moeten zich voorbereiden op een COVID-19- pandemie

Date:10 March 2020
Scott Burris - COVID-19 ontwikkelt zich geleidelijk tot een overdraagbare ziekte met een sterfte gelijk of groter dan de normale griep. Nationale overheden dienen hun strategieën herzien en over te gaan tot het managen van een pandemie.

Governments should identify an adequate response to COVID-19 pandemic

Date:07 March 2020
Scott Burris - For decades, public health experts have been warning of the possibility of a viral outbreak that would rapidly spread across the globe, causing significant morbidity and mortality. To prepare, and with the experience of diseases like SARS, the World Health Organization and national governments have focused on early detection and containment strategies and the necessary capacity to carry them out.

The (not-so) Hard Side of the IHR: Breaches of Legal Obligations

Date:26 February 2020
Pedro A. Villarreal - The previous post dealt with general issues of how the interpretation of the IHR’s provisions needs to take place by following their object and purpose. This requires assessing public health measures adopted by states taking their specific context into account. A second question is what happens when states do not base their actions upon the IHR’s obligations. The current blog post elaborates on this scenario.

Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis

Date:25 February 2020
Pedro A. Villarreal - As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold, there is an increase in the adoption of measures by states restricting international travel and trade, mostly though not exclusively against China and its citizens. At the outset, two legal questions arise: what exactly is the role of the legal instrument devised for facing such crises, the International Health Regulations (IHR)? And what happens when potential breaches to its provisions occur?

Large-scale Right to Health violations in Moria refugee camp on Lesbos Island, Greece

Date:13 February 2020
Living conditions in the Moria refugee camp are highly inhuman. The situation is explosive and characterised by daily demonstrations of desperate Moria people and confrontations with police.

Smoking and the protection of prenatal health: time for a human rights approach? Part II

Date:22 January 2020
This Blog post series focuses on the protection of prenatal health and proposes to use a human rights-based approach to discuss the different ways the topic has been framed, the available evidence and the human rights implications of some of the existing policies on the topic.
Figure 1 - Extract from "A Human Rights Based Approach to Health". Available

Smoking and the protection of prenatal health: time for a human rights approach?

Date:15 January 2020
This Blog post series focuses on the protection of prenatal health and proposes to use a human rights-based approach to discuss the different ways the topic has been framed.
A research agenda for global health law

Entering a new decennium: a research agenda for global health law

Date:07 January 2020
This Blog Post sets out eight points for advancing further research in global health law as an emerging branch of international law.
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