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About us Faculty of Law International programmes LLM programmes 2024-2025 Testimonials

Richard Patassy

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Richard Patassy (image courtesy of R. Patassy)

I began my student journey in Groningen back in 2020 during the pandemic. Back then, I decided to pursue the LLB in International and European Law due to its variety and focus on two major disciplines of law, worldwide. After finishing, I was sure I would continue studying here in Groningen but did not know which LLM I would follow. The LLM in Global Criminal Law ended up being the right fit for me due to its comprehensiveness and specialty, as the programme offers a wide range of courses revolving around criminal law, from a global perspective. Not only do students compare and contrast national law and different forms of liability, they also focus on both European criminal law as well as international law. The programme is a great opportunity for  students interested in deepening their understanding and knowledge of criminal law and to learn more about this field. Even though I had a basis in criminal law from my LLB, the LLM courses showed me how extensive criminal law can be, and how many ways a student can specialize their own legal profile.

The Faculty of Law at the University of Groningen is extremely nice. Professors and teachers are professional and very accommodating to the students. I enjoyed the layout of our classes, which were very small and provided for fruitful discussions. Due to the classes being small, it provided me and other students the possibility to engage with any given topic and collaborate with others in discussion. Teachers were always very keen on asking questions to students and value their feedback and ideas. Professors and teachers are also very approachable and provided students with aid or clarification when needed. Further, the Faculty also provides students with incredible spaces for studying, such as the newly opened Röling building. This building contains a cafeteria, a silent study room, classrooms, or even booths for students to study together. My impression is that the Faculty values their students and offers help to students if needed. 

Groningen, as a city,  is a beautiful student city full of possibilities and living here is a very vibrant and enriching experience due to the large student population. Due to the University, as well as many associations or student organizations, it is very easy to meet people from all over the world and experience a variety of cultures. Since Groningen is a relatively small city, commuting to the University every day is extremely easy and the city feels very picturesque whenever one is outside. There is a plethora of parks as well as nature reserves which offer students a nice escape from city life. Groningen also possesses many great restaurants and cafes, which allow students to experience new cultures and new cuisine. I find there to be a community feel in Groningen and people are very friendly and open-minded, which creates a great and welcoming atmosphere for everyone. 

Overall, studying in Groningen has been amazing. The LLM provides students with a deep understanding of the complexities of criminal law on a global scale and does not shy away from analyzing the specifics. As the curriculum provides a wide variety of different subjects, students are therefore able to work with, as well as understand, different legal topics. The LLM attributes necessary practical knowledge as well as interpersonal skills, through lectures, courses, group work and assignments, which allows students to comprehend the studies in a global context, taking into consideration different viewpoints or legal practices. From soft to hard skills, the LLM has given me the necessary foundation to excel in my future workplace, and it is safe to say that the programme has prepared me for internships or traineeships at a variety of international or national institutions that value the skills I gained here.

Richard Patassy (LinkedIn), Slovakia, Global Criminal Law LLM student


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Last modified:05 July 2024 1.52 p.m.