Allan Mukuki

Back in 2012 when I visited the Netherlands (The Hague) for the first time, my dream for international law was ignited. This was through an international MUN conference which is run by a student’s board in the University of Groningen known as The European International Model United Nations (TEIMUN) Foundation. This was my first encounter with the University of Groningen via its students and they had nothing short of glorious praise for the university. It was at that point, as a 3 rd year bachelor’s student that I decided I will be back to study in the Netherlands and more so in the University of Groningen. I had a key interest in the Public International Law LLM and sent several emails to the University (all of which were always replied on time) and I was given all the information that I wanted to convince me to study in the Netherlands and more so in the University of Groningen. I must say that I also looked at various other universities in the USA and in the United Kingdom but the diverse course content as well as the enticement of an international student’s city, the University of Groningen was a chance that I could not pass. Three years later, I was back in the Netherlands and as an LLM student in Public International Law as well as a board of directors’ member of the very Foundation (TEIMUN) that had helped ignite the flame of international law scholarly in me.
The facilities are top notch. Be it the library which is well stocked and the online platform as well is well informative as to the books available and articles as well. The lecturers and professors are friendly, well informed in their areas of expertise and readily available whenever the academic need arises. The university has all the facilities required to study in a suitable and pleasant environment, such as internet and library services among others. This coupled with a class of students from different nationalities makes the experience worthwhile. All these make studying in the University of Groningen pleasant and an enriching experience all together.
Living in the city of Groningen has given me the opportunity to meet international students from all over the world and who have enriched my personal, professional and academic experiences. This has not only had a positive effect in my studies only, but also in enriching my personal life as well. Further, it is an avenue that enabled me to get an international network of friends in this global village that we live in now.
My experience in the University of Groningen has been one that I will live to tell for a long time to come. Excellent classes and teachers, world-class facilities, serving in a students’ board and curriculum review committee as well as forging international friendships. This has been an experience worth reliving indeed. The hallmark of it all or me was representing the university and Netherlands in the Telders International Law Moot Court Competition 2016 and emerging as the best male oralist and runners up in the overall standings. All these made possible and supported greatly by the Faculty of Law in the University of Groningen. All these experiences have enriched me greatly and cultured me for the road ahead. As I head into being an international law lecturer as well as a legal practitioner and consultant, my experience at the University of Groningen has played a great role in shaping me as an international law enthusiast and practitioner.
Allan Munyao Mukuki, Kenya, LLM in Public International Law graduate
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Last modified: | 05 November 2024 2.20 p.m. |