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Free access to "Beeld en Geluid in Academia" (largest Dutch online audiovisual database)

Date:09 February 2017
Author:André Rosendaal
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"Academia" is the online archive with streaming video and audio from the Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision (Beeld en Geluid). This institute collects, preserves and opens the audiovisual heritage of the Netherlands. The current Academia database contains over 10.000 hours of online material for education and research. ICTOL/Faculty of Arts were involved in the realization of this service, e.g. in the Davideon project. 

The university discontinued their Academia license in 2015. The main reasons for this were the costs of the license and the fact that most of the material is in Dutch and thus less suitable for international classes. However, the archive may still contain useful items for many of the faculty's lecturers and researchers. The fact that the license is now free is thus good news for our university. 

The current database, including over 1000 hours of historical television (partly selected by Faculty of Arts lecturers) and over 500 hours of historical audiovisual material (Polygoon, RVD, Lawick) is expanded daily with television programmes like NOS Journaal, Andere Tijden, Nieuwsuur, and Pauw. Moreover, items from the complete collection of Sound and Vision (more than a million hours of television, radio, music and film from the beginning in 1898 until today) can be added on request (depending on copyright and technical issues). 

Furthermore, the Academia site contains tools that assist in using the material in education: virtual cutter to create clips, keeping dossiers on specific subjects, linking video's in Powerpoint presentations, etc. 

Tips for using Academia material in education can be found in the Handboek Davideon.

To use Academia, log in with your RUG account via SURFconext. 

Academia FAQ (in Dutch only)


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