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André Rosendaal at Noorderzon

Virtual Reality in Perspective, Noorderzon Festival

Date:01 February 2021
Author:Sake Jager
Virtual Reality exposition and lecture at Noorderzon Festival 2018.
Mirjam Buigel and Wouter Heinen recording their video.

Opening of the Do-It-Yourself recording studio

Date:07 February 2020
Author:André Rosendaal
A new do-it-yourself recording studio is available for recording knowledge clips
Ronald Ohlsen - Google Classroom

Google Classroom, eenvoudig en tijdbesparend: Het verhaal van Ronald Ohlsen

Date:14 January 2018

Op 22 januari verzorgt ICTOL weer een Just-do-IT workshop over Google Classroom. Google Classroom is een heel handige tool om onderwijs te geven met Google Drive, Google Docs en andere Google applicaties. Google bestanden kunnen gemakkelijk met andere...

Typical OIE configuration

ENVOIE - Online international learning across the disciplines

Date:21 September 2017
Author:Sake Jager

ENVOIE (Enabling Virtual Online International Exchange) is a teaching and learning innovation project recently launched at the University of Groningen. ENVOIE (pronounced /ˈenvɔɪ/, as in English 'envoy') aims to promote Online International Exchange (OIE)...

Teacher Talks

Teacher Talks: video # 5 - Designing SMARTboard lessons

Date:05 June 2017
Author:André Rosendaal

Based on the Teacher Talks sessions we organized earlier this year, we have asked a number of teachers to summarize their presentations in a short movie. Each of them explains briefly why and how they they use a specific IT tool in their lessons. This is...

Teacher Talks

Teacher Talks: video # 4 - Creating short videos with Screencast-o-matic

Date:29 May 2017
Author:André Rosendaal

Based on the Teacher Talks sessions we organized earlier this year, we have asked a number of teachers to summarize their presentations in a short movie. Each of them explains briefly why and how they they use a specific IT tool in their lessons. 

Teacher Talks

Teacher Talks: video # 3 - Blackboard forums to increase student-lecturer interaction

Date:15 May 2017
Author:André Rosendaal

Based on the Teacher Talks sessions we organized earlier this year, we have asked a number of teachers to summarize their presentations in a short movie. Each of them explains briefly why and how they they use a specific IT tool in their lessons. 

Teacher Talks

Teacher Talks: video # 2 - Blackboard Collaborate

Date:08 May 2017
Author:André Rosendaal

Based on the Teacher Talks sessions we organized earlier this year, we have asked a number of teachers to summarize their presentations in a short movie. Each of them explains briefly why and how they they use a specific IT tool in their lessons. 

Teacher Talks

Teacher Talks: teachers show how they use IT in education

Date:01 May 2017
Author:André Rosendaal

Based on the Teacher Talks sessions we organized earlier this year, we have asked a number of teachers to summarize their presentations in a short movie. Each of them explains briefly why and how they they use a specific IT tool in their lessons. 

Academia logo

Free access to "Beeld en Geluid in Academia" (largest Dutch online audiovisual database)

Date:09 February 2017
Author:André Rosendaal

"Academia" is the online archive with streaming video and audio from the Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision (Beeld en Geluid). This institute collects, preserves and opens the audiovisual heritage of the Netherlands. The current Academia database...

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