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Language Centre
Language Centre Language courses Practical information

Following a course and final assessment

This page will tell you all you need to know about following a course and the final assessment, so you will know what to expect when you register for a course.

Course locations

Our courses are taught in the historic buildings of the University of Groningen – mainly in the city centre, where you can experience the rich history of the University! Some courses are also taught at Zernike campus, and we provide a number of courses online. The course location of each course is listed in our web shop.

Where is my class?

One week before the start of your course, we will send you an email with information about the classroom location—this information is not available at an earlier stage.  As we are dependent on the timetable of all lectures given at the University, you may have classes in different classrooms or buildings, during the course. Below is a list of all possible course locations including the address details.

Following online courses

Our online courses are taught via Kultura Classroom. ▸Take a look at our virtual classroom!

Online learning environment

We use the online learning environment Brightspace for our courses. On this platform, you will find all the information you need to follow the course, such as the course programme and your homework.

You will receive the login details for Brightspace before the start of the course. Take a look at this Brightspace help page if you have any questions about the use of the platform or if you are experiencing problems with logging in.

Course material

We will indicate for each course whether you need any course material and, if so, how to buy this. Some books are available from the Language Centre. You can buy all other books yourself in an online or physical bookshop.

Course material available from the Language Centre

The following books are available at the Language Centre desk during opening hours.

  • Nederlands in gang
    Berna de Boer, Margaret van der Kamp, Birgit Lijmbach
    ISBN 9789046905609 (3rd edition | 2017)
  • Nederlands in actie
    Berna de Boer, Margaret van der Kamp, Simone Pentermann
    ISBN 9789046908426 (4th edition | 2022)
  • Nederlands op niveau
    Berna de Boer, Ronald Ohlsen
    ISBN 9789046904411 (2nd edition | 2015)
  • Nederlands naar perfectie
    Emily Palmer, Miranda van 't Wout
    ISBN 9789046904527 (1st edition | 2015)
  • In de startblokken - Nederlands voor Duitstaligen
    Berna de Boer, Margaret van der Kamp, Birgit Lijmbach
    ISBN 9789046906620 (3rd edition | 2019)
  • Beter Nederlands spreken
    Marilene Gathier, Marieke Goedegebure
    ISBN 9789046905005 (1st edition | 2016)
  • Dixi! Cursus spreekvaardigheid voor hoogopgeleide anderstaligen
    José Bakx, Ghislaine Giezenaar
    ISBN 9789046900703 (2nd edition | 2007)

Group size

Our courses are taught in small groups, so we can ensure that everyone receives sufficient personal feedback. The maximum number of students varies per course, between 8 and 18.

Final assessment

At the end of the course, the teacher will give you a recommendation for a follow-up course. If you have passed the attendance requirement, you will also receive a certificate of participation. The attendance requirement is 85% for civic integration Dutch courses and 75% for all other courses.

The certificate of participation is not a recognized certificate because we do not administer official examinations. If you need an official assessment of your language proficiency level, you can take a test at our Testing Unit. If you pass this test, you will receive a recognized certificate.

Follow-up advice

  • If you passed your course, you will probably be advised to continue on to a follow-up course at a higher level.
  • If your results were good to very good, you will probably be advised to continue on to a follow-up course at a higher level. In addition, if you follow a Dutch course, you may be granted permission to participate in an intensive course in January or in the summer. This requires a special advice. UG students, PhD students and postdocs will always be admitted to intensive courses at the recommended level.

  • If you failed your course, the teacher may recommend that you repeat the same level or transfer to a different institution. The latter case may occur if the teacher feels that our methods do not match your way of learning a language. Our teachers can give you advice to make sure you are in the right place.

ECTS and PE points

You will not automatically earn ECTS or PE/CPD (permanente educatie/continuous professional development) points. However, you can submit a request to your own Board of Examiners to have ECTS credit points awarded for your course, or to your employer for PE points. If you do so for ECTS, you should assume that a student workload of 28 contact hours in our courses is equivalent to 1 ECTS.

Last modified:17 March 2025 09.53 a.m.
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