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Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI News In the media

In the media 2023

In the Media

An overview of media appearances of academics and subjcts connected to the themes of the Jantina Tammes School.

  • ICT & health, 20 December 2023
    VR verrijkt visuele revalidatie na beroerte

    Innovative care for people who experience visual symptoms after a stroke will get a major boost from a project using VR for home rehabilitation. This research, led by the University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG) and Royal Visio, is supported by a €2.7 million grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).

  •, 9 December
    Ondanks 'bizarre lobby' bleef strenge Europese AI-wet grotendeels overeind

    The European Union reached a tentative agreement on Friday to curb the development of artificial intelligence after an exceptionally long negotiation. There were very strong efforts from the tech industry to weaken the new AI law slightly. Partly successfully, but the strictest rules remained in place.

  • Computable, 30 November
    OU bovenaan met informatica, Groningen met ai

    Artificial intelligence is best studied in Groningen. The UG (68 points on a scale of 100) remains far ahead of Eindhoven TU/e (61) and Tilburg TiU (60), numbers 2 and 3, in this field. Amsterdam VU (49) which has the largest enrolment, scores insufficiently.

Last modified:12 March 2024 11.47 a.m.
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