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Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI
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Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI News

JTS Early Career Researcher Prizes awarded, bonus Prize for Qian Huang

23 June 2023

To stimulate smaller and short term activities within the UG that are linked to the Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI, the JTS office established the JTS Early Career Researcher Prize. The prize was awarded for the first time, during the JTS opening festivities in the House of Connections on June 22.

The five winners all gave a 3 minute pitch about their research and how it will have impact on society. The five grants of € 2.500,- were given to:

  • Dr. Qian Huang, Faculty of Arts, Centre for Media & Journalism Studies: 'Journalists’ Cautious Labour in Contemporary Surveillance & Influencer Culture'.
  • Dagmar Heeg MSc, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Institute for Science Education and Communication: 'AI: The Good, the Bad, and the Biased'
  • Marvin Hanisch PhD, Faculty of Economics and Business, Innovation & Organisation: 'Digital Governance: Human Agency in Algorithmic Protocols'
  • Milad Abbasiharofteh PhD, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, Department of Economic Geography: 'Going Green and Digital: Place-based Pathways to a Twin Transition'
  • Dr. Elisabeth Wilhelm, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Engineering and Technology Institute: 'Cyba North Team Kickoff'

There was a bonus prize of  €1.000,- for Qian Huang for giving the best pitch, awarded to her by a jury consisting of Prof. Dr. Cisca Wijmenga (Chair), Prof. Dr. Tammo Bijmolt and Drs. Sjoerd Meihuizen. The bonus prize is meant to be spent on a short movie/vlog to create awareness of the winning topic.

In addition to that, the ICT Innovation fund sponsors another valuable prize. The highly skilled data experts from the Center for Information Technology will support the winners with in total 300 hours of technical expertise in the fields of geo-analytics, machine learning, natural language processing, statistics and VR (to name a few). This support will be distributed over all 5 projects ranging from 50 to 100 hours per researcher.

The winners, left to right: Milad Abbasiharofteh, Elisabeth Wilhelm, Qian Huang, Dagmar Heeg, Marvin Hanisch
The winners, left to right: Milad Abbasiharofteh, Elisabeth Wilhelm, Qian Huang, Dagmar Heeg, Marvin Hanisch
Last modified:09 January 2025 10.23 a.m.
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