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Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI
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Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI Calendar

Navigating the EU AI Act: Innovation, Regulation, and the Future of the Digital Society

When:Tu 06-02-2024 12:30 - 18:00
Where:House of Connections, Grote Markt 21, 9712 HR Groningen

On 6 February 2024, we will be hosting the event 'Navigating the EU AI Act: Innovation, Regulation, and the Future of the Digital Society'

Navigating the EU AI Act

The EU AI Act promises to be the first universal framework to comprehensively regulate the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence. While even some Big Tech companies have recently started to embrace regulation that goes beyond AI Ethics, there are concerns that government intervention at this early stage of development stifles European AI research and the industry.

This event brings together experts and stakeholders from the North of the Netherlands with the aim of stimulating an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary exchange on innovation, regulation and the future of the digital society. We will look at the AI law from the perspectives of business, civil society, government and academia.

After all, what should drive innovation in our society: technological opportunity or a framework of principles to protect fundamental rights?

This event is organised as a collaboration between the Security, Technology & e-Privacy Research Group of the Faculty of Law, the Department of Governance and Innovation at Campus Fryslân, the Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI, the SSiGNAll: Surveillance Studies in Groningen Network for All, the AI Hub Noord Nederland, Samenwerking Noord and the Decentralized Student Association (DSLA).







Round 1:
The general regulatory approach of the EU AI Act: Does it protect the fundamental rights of humans or is it a mere standardisation exercise?

Confirmed: Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Professor of ICT and law, Radboud University), Bart Beima (AI Hub Noord Nederland), Tim van den Belt (Strategy advisor working on AI supervision at the Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure - RDI), Michael Veale (Assoc. Professor in digital rights and regulation, Vice-Dean Education Innovation, University College London)

Moderator: Oskar Gstrein (Data Autonomy Theme Coordinator Jantina Tammes School, Department of Governance and Innovation at Faculty Campus Fryslân)


Coffee Break


Round 2:
From facial recognition to generative AI: Regulation of AI applications

Confirmed: Catherine Jasserand (DATAFACE - Marie Curie project), Malvina Nissim (Professor of Computational Linguistics and Society, University of Groningen), Elise Niemeijer (RDW)

Moderator: Marianne Franklin (Chair of Media, Cultural Industries, and Society, Faculty of Arts)




Round 3:
Approaching liability and risk: who is responsible when AI gets it wrong?

Confirmed: Albert Verheij (Professor of Private Law, University of Groningen), Jurriaan Parie (Algorithm Audit), Erik Rutkens (CEO Hacksclusive, Chairman Cyber Security Noord)

Moderator: Nynke Vellinga (Security, Technology & e-Privacy Research Group, Department of Transboundary Legal Studies at the Faculty of Law)






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