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Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI
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Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI Calendar

Data Autonomy Community Update Event

When:Mo 17-06-2024 09:00 - 12:30
Where:House of Connections
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One year of Data Autonomy at Jantina Tammes School - where are we now, what have we done and what is next? Join us for this event to hear the latest about Data Autonomy and the activities at the Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI. 

We are looking forward to hearing from you how the theme and activities around it should be taken forward in the coming months. We would also like to present our new developments such as the Data Autonomy Index (DAIX) and share with you our plans to launch a Yearbook on Data Autonomy (YoDA) with University of Groningen press.

We invite all interested colleagues from academia, policy makers, support staff, students and all other stakeholders of the University of Groningen who wish to shape the future of our datafied university!


09:00 Walk-in with coffee and tea

09:30 Welcome & Update Session by Oskar Gstrein

  • Data Autonomy @ JTS & beyond

  • Introducing the Data Autonomy Index (DAIX)

  • Updates on website incl. Blog updates

  • Working group Big Tech in Education - Jonge Akademie 9 September 2024

  • Introduction to academic work

  • Discussing YODA - Yearbook on Data Autonomy, University of Groningen Press

10:00 Presentation of the Data Autonomy Index (DAIX) by Victor Toma

10:15 Presentation on the status of Open Source by Anouk Pelzer

10:30 Your questions relating to Data Autonomy (based on input from form)

10:45 Shaping the future of Data Autonomy at the UG (work in break out groups)

  • Break out group discussing further development of DAIX

  • Break out group discussing Open Source

  • Break out group discussing YODA

11:45 Round-up with feedback from tables - What should Data Autonomy focus on in year 2?

12:00 Informal lunch

12:30 end event

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