Long-run WIOD
The World Input–Output Database (WIOD) provides annual time-series of world input–output tables. The Long-run WIOD covers the period 1965-2000, encompassing the period of rapid growth in the world economy (the Golden Age of Growth) and characterized by increasing integration of production and consumption in the world economy. This includes the integration of Japan, South Korea and other East-Asian countries in the world economy, and the continuous integration of countries within the European Union.

License and funding
Long-run WIOD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License . The construction of the Long-run WIOD was supported by the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) [grant number 453-14-012].
Attribution requirement - When using these data (for whatever purpose), please make the following reference:
Woltjer, P., Gouma, R. and Timmer, M. P. (2021), "Long-run World Input-Output Database: Version 1.1 Sources and Methods", GGDC Research Memorandum 190
This data set is hosted on Dataverse, it can be accessed in its entirety through the following doi: 10.34894/A7AXDN.
World Input-Output Tables of the Long-run WIOD
World Input-Output Tables in millions of US dollars.
World Input-Output Tables in millions of US dollars of the previous year.
Notes: The tables cover 25 countries for the period from 1965 to 2000: AUS, AUT, BEL, BRA, CAN, CHN, DEU, DNK, ESP, FIN, FRA, GBR, GRC, HKG, IND, IRL, ITA, JPN, KOR, MEX, NLD, PRT, SWE, TWN, USA. In the WIOTs a model for the Rest of the World (RoW), i.e. all countries not explicitly covered, is also included.
Socio Economic Accounts
Socio Economic Accounts (Excel)
Nominal and real sectoral value added, gross output, intermediate and final expenditure for the period 1965-2000
Notes: The tables cover 25 countries for the period from 1965 to 2000: AUS, AUT, BEL, BRA, CAN, CHN, DEU, DNK, ESP, FIN, FRA, GBR, GRC, HKG, IND, IRL, ITA, JPN, KOR, MEX, NLD, PRT, SWE, TWN, USA.
Sources and Methods
Woltjer, P., Gouma, R. and Timmer, M. P. (2021), "Long-run World Input-Output Database: Version 1.1 Sources and Methods", GGDC Research Memorandum 190
When using this database, a reference should be made to this paper
List changes made in Version 1.1
Additional Data
Time series of National Input-Output Tables, for all countries and years (1965-2000), in millions of current US dollars.
National Accounts, detailed sources and estimates (Excel)
Detailed sources and estimates for the national accounts data underlying the Long-run WIOD.
Benchmark NIOTs (Excel)
Original National Input-Output Tables, for all countries and benchmark years, in millions of current US dollars.
Notes: The tables cover 25 countries for the period from 1965 to 2000: AUS, AUT, BEL, BRA, CAN, CHN, DEU, DNK, ESP, FIN, FRA, GBR, GRC, HKG, IND, IRL, ITA, JPN, KOR, MEX, NLD, PRT, SWE, TWN, USA.

The construction of the Long-run WIOD was supported by the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) [grant number 453-14-012].
Last modified: | 11 November 2024 12.44 p.m. |