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Results for tag: Student Life

Khushboo "studying" in a café

Places to study that are not the UB

Date:26 March 2025

Ah, the University Library (UB). It’s got the books, the silence (mostly), and that satisfying “I’m working hard” vibe. But let’s be real: sometimes you can’t find a spot in time, are just running late, or need a change of scenery (or a place where you’re...

Summer School UG

Exploring Storytelling at an Academic Level – Petra Muns’ Experience with Summer Schools

Date:13 March 2025
Author:Guest blogger

As an independent trainer, lecturer, and career coach, Petra Muns has always been fascinated by the power of storytelling. Through her company, Werkpodium, she helps individuals and organizations shape their narratives, using storytelling as a key...

oh no, how do I answer the question?

5 tips for asking questions in class (with gifs)

Date:12 February 2025

Do you sometimes have questions in class or a lecture? Are you sometimes too embarrassed to ask said questions? Then look no further! Many students hesitate, but asking questions is the foundation of research. Here are six simple tips and tricks to help...

Do I need more things in my room?

What Do You REALLY Need in Your Student Room? Budgeting Tips!

Date:29 January 2025

Moving into a new student room is exciting but let’s be real: student budgets aren’t built for luxury, and we actually don’t need to pack our rooms with additional unnecessary items. 

Nadejda feeling overwhelmed

Returning To The Habit: Hyping Yourself Up To Study Again

Date:16 January 2025

As much as we don’t want to accept the truth, we are already experiencing the first exam period of the new calendar year and the winter holidays are long gone. After a few weeks of fun and cosiness, lots of great food and nothing to do, the undeniable...

The best Dutch winter snacks!

From Kruidnoten to Vegter’s rolletjes: A Sweet Guide to The Best Dutch Winter Delights

Date:27 November 2024

If there is anything that can make us feel even more excited about the upcoming festive months despite the cold weather and short days, then that undoubtedly would be the Dutch winter sweets! While every season in the Netherlands has its own special treat...

This is what's in MY bag

‘What’s In My Bag’ – University Essentials Edition

Date:21 November 2024

Ah, university life! The magical place where we constantly balance academic wisdom, social adventures, and caffeination. Whether we’re biking for our life to a 9 AM lecture or claiming our spot at the canteen, the backpack is our best companion!

Master's student Kiera Drake

From Psychology to Cognitive Science: What It’s Like to Pursue a Master’s in Computational Cognitive Sciences

Date:12 November 2024
Author:Guest blogger

In today's blog, Master's student Kiera Drake shares with us her experiences following the Computational and Cognitive Sciences programme of the Faculty of Science and Engineering! This Master’s degree programme focuses on cognitive science and...

Mette with their degree

Broad Degree, Endless Opportunities: BSc in Global Responsibility & Leadership for Tomorrow's Change-Makers

Date:01 November 2024
Author:Guest blogger

In this blogpost, Mette, a Global Responsibility & Leadership alumni, will take us through the programme and their favorite courses!

In class at the university

7 Types of Professors You’ll Meet as a University Student

Date:16 October 2024
Professors come in all shapes and sizes—figuratively speaking! Some are the mentors who guide us through both coursework and life decisions, while others might just be there for a chat or a good laugh. They’re a big part of what makes university life so interesting!
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