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Statistics: #1 moodkiller

How to survive your Statistics Course

Date:13 April 2018

There are a few certainties in life: death, taxes, and if you’re studying at the University of Groningen, your first-year statistics course. Love it or hate it (anyone in the first category? Report to your local medical research centre - they’ll want your...

Hanging out near the docks

Students Guide to finding accommodation

Date:09 April 2018

Any international student knows the struggle of finding accommodation in Groningen. As the influx of international students is rising, the amount of available housing is decreasing- resulting in the surge of competition with it. However, there is no need...

Perfect podcast listening weather!

10 best podcast picks from a university student

Date:06 April 2018

Now when I think of podcasts, I think of my dad listening to the radio because he can’t work out how to use Netflix yet. However, recently I got a bit sick of my music (I like James Blunt, but I can only listen to You’re Beautiful so many times before...

The Dutch are even crazier than usual on King's Day. Photo: Leeuwarder Courant

King's Day for n00bs

Date:04 April 2018

King’s Day is the national holiday of the Dutch, much like Independence Day in America. On King's Day, people dress up like crazy and celebrate their love (or obsession?) for the country. For those of you that are spending their first King’s Day in the...

Hard at work or hardly working?

International's guide to finding a job in Groningen

Date:30 March 2018

If you’re an international student who is trying to find a job in Groningen, then you know that it isn't always easy. Some places require that you are able to speak Dutch and other places might say that you don’t have the right experience. Here’s a list of...

These guys wish they were #4 on the list, but are actually more like #1

The 5 Housemates You Will Have At University

Date:26 March 2018

Every other Monday over the next few weeks, I will be posting a different blog related to student rooms. The first of the series is this: the five different housemates that you will have at university!

A few more months and this will be our view again

Spring is coming: 6 activities you shouldn't miss

Date:21 March 2018

Having survived the ‘Beast from the East’ I think that all of us are very happy that the Weather is finally warming up as Spring is well and truly on its way. As an international student growing up in Kenya, a country without seasons, I was really excited...

Navigating Groningen is a lot easier with your phone!

10 apps that'll make student life a lot easier

Date:21 March 2018

Everyday student-life can be filled with stress, for Dutch and international students alike.

Go green for St. Patrick's Day!

Our picks for celebrating St. Patrick's Day in Groningen!

Date:14 March 2018

Sláinte! St Patrick's day is upon us! The day of the year where everyone wears green top hats, drinks bright green drinks and clings desperately to any Irish connection they may have somewhere in their family tree. For me, it's my grandparents - my Irish...

There's always time for a game of Bingo!

University Lecture Bingo: Things that happen every lecture

Date:13 March 2018

Check out these things that every student - at least the ones who go to class - will have seen in most of their lectures. You can even make this a game using our readily available bingo card (for the low price of zero euros), because let’s face it… you...