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Pro tip: wear matching shirts so you don't lose each other

5 Getaways from Groningen

Date:01 August 2019
Decided to stay home this summer but regretting your choices? Or need some vacation inspo to keep you motivated next school year? Read my top 5 (cheap) destinations from Groningen!
Catching up on all the fun reading you weren't able to do during the school year

Reading tips for the summer holidays

Date:25 July 2019

If you are like me, summer means finally taking some time off and trading textbooks for books that are actually fun to read. In this blog, I have compiled some of my book recommendations for this summer. Most of the books on this list are fairly short,...

spending as little as possible at the market

Saving Money as a University of Groningen Student

Date:24 July 2019
Coffee at the UB Starbucks, lunch ‘salade’ from the Albert Heijn, dinner at the Pastafabriek, drinks at Pintelier… life in Groningen sure can be expensive, especially if you don’t keep an eye on your wallet. At some point, you can’t justify this type of spending to yourself (nor your parents) anymore. So, what’s the best way to cut back and save as a student in Groningen?
Danique and me trying to find the right lecture hall (didn't manage)

How to prepare for your first university lecture

Date:23 July 2019
One thing that fills a lot of new students with a mix of anxiousness and excitement is the first lecture at university. In this blog, I will try to give you some personal tips on how to prepare for your first lecture, so that nothing can go wrong on your first day as a university student.
Thinking about houses or home?

How to battle homesickness in your first weeks at uni

Date:23 July 2019
Homesickness is probably a feeling that most new students coming to Groningen will be familiar with. In this blog, I want to share with you some of my tips on how to combat this feeling and give some advice on how to make it a bit easier for you to settle in into your new student life. 
Enjoying the summer in Groningen

The Complete Guide For Your Move To Groningen #monsterblog

Date:23 July 2019
Author:The Blog Team
Starting your new student life in Groningen is going to be great. The next few months will be a super exciting time for you, from moving away from your parents (to a different country!) to making new friends, getting to know a new city and passing your first exams. In this monster guide, the student blogger team is here to help guide you through everything you need to know - step-by-step.
Oh the joys of 21st century life

Useful apps to download when moving to the Netherlands

Date:23 July 2019
In this day and age, certain apps make life just so much easier. Read Danique's overview of which apps are most useful when moving to Groningen!
winner winner chicken dinner

5 easy student recipes to impress your friends with

Date:22 July 2019
For young aspiring academics, time is sometimes rather scarce in the midst of long library sessions and late-night social events which means that convenience is written with a big C. This is why in this blog, I have compiled five easy to make student recipes which don’t require a lot of time and are easy to make when living on a budget!
Friends since day one

Making Friends in Your First Year

Date:19 July 2019
Excited to start university, but nervous about making friends? Don't worry! Everyone is in the same boat and open to meeting new people. Read more for some tips about what you can do to meet new people when you first come to Groningen.
the welcoming team in their bright red hoodies

Making the Most of the University Welcome Days

Date:16 July 2019
If you’re beginning with your first year in September, then this blog is for you. Every year, University Welcome Days are organised for incoming students who are coming to start their studies in the Netherlands. Read this blog and make the most of these Welcome Days.