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Hylke at the Papengang!

10 unique Valentine (self-)date activities to do in and around Groningen

Date:13 February 2023
You either love it or hate it: Valentine’s Day! Here are 10 unique (self-)date activities you (+ your significant other) can do in and around Groningen tomorrow. Enjoy!
Happy Hylke at the Cliffs of Moher, Ireland!

Minor Abroad #1: How to prepare for a minor abroad (8 tips + my minor abroad in Cork, Ireland)

Date:08 February 2023
Are you currently in the process of applying for a minor abroad, but don’t know what you can expect? This blog is for you! Hylke shares her experience of preparing for her Erasmus+ exchange to Cork and gives useful tips that will hopefully help you to prepare for your time abroad as well.
Ready for presentations! :)

How to prepare for the Online Bachelor’s Week

Date:23 January 2023
The Online Bachelor’s Week is approaching! Are you ready? If not, no worries! Here are some last-minute tips that will help you to prepare for the coming week. 
Are you feeling like this? :(

7 tips on how to beat the winter blues as a student

Date:16 January 2023
Today’s Blue Monday: the most depressing day of the year. While Blue Monday is a myth, it’s not surprising if you experience the winter blues (or even Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)) now that the days are long and dark. In light of this, here are 7 tips on how to beat the winter blues as a student!
Hylke being way too happy to be back at uni.

The exam period in 13 GIFs

Date:11 January 2023
Exam season is upon us! Here are 13 GIFs that describe a typical exam period. Including: being blinded by the orange walls of the Aletta Jacobs hall and (last-minute) late-night studying sessions at the UB. Enjoy!
Hylke posing before Forum Groningen.

31 things to put on your Groningen Bucket List!

Date:04 January 2023
Are you looking for a challenge in the new year? Then try to complete all these tasks throughout the year! From bouldering at Gropo to barbecuing at the Noorderplantsoen, there are challenges for everyone on this list :).
Hylke watching a festive film!

8 festive films to watch during the holiday season (golden oldies & new ones)

Date:28 December 2022
It’s THE season to watch a film while being curled up in a blanket on the sofa with a hot drink and some leftover holiday food. Ranging from golden oldies - such as Love Actually (2003) - to some new ones - such as Arthur Christmas (2011) - here are several students’ favourite festive films to watch during the holiday season!
Hylke thinking about gifts!

Sustainable gift ideas for the holiday season

Date:14 December 2022
Christmas is around the corner! Hylke shares some sustainable gift ideas that are good for the environment and will bring a smile to your loved one’s face. From shampoo and conditioner bars to plant cuttings or audiobook subscriptions, this guide contains gifts for everyone!
Everything you should know about applying to a Numerus Fixus Bachelor's programme at the UG

How to get accepted to a Numerus Fixus programme at the UG

Date:09 December 2022
In 2018, Anne decided to apply to the Medicine programme at the University of Groningen. Seeing as Medicine is one of our Numerus Fixus programmes, there was a selection procedure. This can be confusing if you’re not yet familiar with it, so allow her to teach you all about it.
Hylke being excited by the fairy lights at the Vismarkt.

7 cheap activities you can do to make the most of the festive season

Date:07 December 2022
Hylke shares some cheap activities you can do that will help you to get into a festive mood and to make the most of the festive season!