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How to start your summer in a good way

Date:01 July 2023
This is how to start your summer in a good way!
This is how to start your summer in a good way!

For most of you, summer is finally here! The transition from studying all day to having plenty of free time can be weird. That’s why, in this blog, we talk about how you can start your summer in the best way possible!

Make sure that you’ve wrapped up everything

There’s nothing worse than not being able to enjoy your summer to the fullest because you’re thinking about everything you still need to do (trust me, I’ve been there). You might be starting an internship after the summer, have to hand in thesis proposals in the first week of September, or go study abroad for which you still need to submit documents. In order to have a carefree summer, make sure that you’ve done everything you need to do before the end of the academic year. For example, I will try to finish writing my thesis proposals before I go on vacation because I know I won’t be able to fully enjoy my trips and, also, I will definitely not have the motivation to finish them in August (especially because it’s already hard to find motivation right now). So, while it’s tempting to start your summer right here and now, do make sure to wrap everything up. You’ll thank yourself later.

Get all the rest you need

After you’ve done all that, your summer can officially start! This academic year might have been very hectic and stressful for you, so taking all the rest you need during the first few weeks of your summer is a good idea. I don’t know about you, but every time after I’ve handed in my last assignment, I suddenly feel SUPER tired as if my body has finally let go of all the stress and adrenaline. During that time, I make sure to listen to my body and get all the sleep I need. I advise you to do the same. Even if it’s only for a few days, prioritise your rest and self-care so that your body and mind can recover from all the hecticness and you can fully enjoy the rest of your summer!

Indulge in summer’s pleasures

While taking all the rest you need, it’s also nice to indulge in summer’s pleasures. With that I mean eating ice cream on hot sunny days, sunbathing or reading in the park, swimming at Stadsstrand, barbecuing with friends, strolling through the city late at night while watching the sun set, and much more. Make the most of everything summer has to offer!

Do an end-of-the-year-ritual

Something that my friends and I did last summer, which was really fun, was doing an end-of-the-year-ritual. We had all spent the last semester writing our Bachelor’s theses and, fortunately, all passed, so we thought it would be fun to print them all, read each other’s theses and then safely burn them to officially close that chapter in our lives. I would highly recommend it! You can do something similar to us, but you can also think of something else. You might want to start a tradition of going for lunch with your friends after the last person in your friend group has finished their exams, or just reflect on the past year and all the lessons you’ve learned. It’s up to you! 

Write a bucket list of everything you want to do (but no pressure)

Another good way to start your summer is to write down everything you want to do. This might be as simple as going for lunch with a friend you haven’t seen in a while, or swimming in the ocean. One thing I definitely want to do is barbecuing with my friends at least one more time this summer. It’s awesome to take a photo every time you do something that’s on your bucket list as well. Then, at the end of the summer, you’ll have a nice album of lovely pics. Of course don’t put pressure on yourself to tick everything off. You also have to thoroughly enjoy your summer after all ;). 

So, here you have a list of a few things you can do to start your summer in a good way. Are there other things you do at the end of the academic year/the beginning of summer that will help your summer to be the best one yet? Let us know in the comments below. Have a great summer! :)

About the author


Hiya! :) I’m Hylke, a Dutch MA English Literature student. People often ask me if I’m Frisian, but sadly I’m not; I just have a Frisian name. I love reading, writing, meeting with friends, and the colour yellow, so much so that I take pictures of every yellow wall I can find!


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