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Education Honours College Bachelor's Honours Programme

Admission Requirements

Because we want to be sure to select the most suitable students for the programme, we look at your motivation and expectations of the programme. Please make sure you have read the available information on our website and attend information meetings. But we also want to make sure that you are able to attend this extra programme and maintain a steady and successful academic journey. That is why we also look at your study results so far.

In order to qualify for admission to the Bachelor's Honours Programme, you therefore must meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. You can convince us of your motivation and suitability for the programme.
  2. You are progressing in your studies at a satisfactory rate. An indication for sufficient study progress is: you have obtained at least 25 EC, or 80% of the EC that can be earned in the first semester.
  3. You obtained good results in the first semester. An indication for good results is: you are among the top 10% of your degree programme cohort. This is based on the weighted average of your marks in the first semester. In most faculties this means a grade point average of 7 or above.
  4. You are registered as a student of the first year of a Bachelor's degree programme at one of the faculties at the University of Groningen.
  5. Almost the entire programme is taught in English; the literature is often in English and presentations and essays also have to be done in English. You therefore need sufficient* knowledge of the English language (written and oral) to be able to follow the Honours Programme.

If you have questions about these requirements, please contact us via honours

* A guideline for sufficient knowledge of the English language is:

- you are enrolled for a full-time English taught Bachelor programme at the university of Groningen;

- for students with a Dutch secondary school diploma: final examinations in English, grade at least 6 or being able to prove that they have achieved a comparable level.

Last modified:22 May 2024 09.30 a.m.
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