Statistics Netherlands (CBS) Microdata
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) Microdata are linkable data about individuals, businesses and addresses that universities and other institutes can use to conduct their own statistical and scientific research. Safeguarding privacy and preventing the exposure of people or businesses are the key principles in granting access.
As the University of Groningen is authorized to work with CBS Microdata, a wide array of data is available to you. Microdata can be linked to your own data and to other external data sources, and research is done within the secure microdata Remote Access Environment of CBS.
How to work with CBS Microdata
Access conditions
Access Conditions
CBS statistics are based on microdata, which are stored in a highly secured environment. Although these data are pseudonymized, combining different datasets could potentially reveal the identity of individuals or institutions. Under strict conditions, these microdata can be accessed by researchers of departments, organisations or institutions authorised by the Director General of Statistics (DG). To get to know these data and the projects working with microdata, have a look at the microdata catalogue and the overview of institutions and projects with microdatasets.
Services and costs
Services and costs
The cost of doing your own research depends on the number of researchers, the number of different datasets and the length of the project, among other things. During the contract period, CBS will send quarterly invoices. For more information, visit the CBS Services catalogue.
Application process
Application process
To apply for microdata to use for your research project, you need to fill out templates on the purpose of the project, the research questions and the datasets needed for your research. CBS will assess your project request for feasibility and GDPR compliance, among other things. Subsequently, you and representatives from your institution are invited for a meeting with CBS experts, who will prepare a cost breakdown. Upon agreement, CBS will draw up a project contract, as well as a confidentiality statement.
Project environment
Project environment
Once the application has been accepted, CBS creates an individual project environment with access to the necessary datasets. They can create customised datasets, or you may use your external dataset and make it linkable to the CBS microdata. Various software packages can be added to the environment by mutual agreement as well, in addition to the standard software offered.
For access to the Remote Access Environment, you will receive a token and an explanation of working in this environment. During the project, you can make changes, such as adding new researchers or datasets as needed.
Importing external datasets
Importing external datasets
It is possible to link external datasets with data from CBS, provided that both the acquisition of such datasets and the delivery thereof to CBS are legitimate. CBS will carry out pseudonymisation of the datasets and create the link with the relevant CBS microdata. Privacy-sensitive information will be protected from unauthorised access throughout the entire project. If you wish to link external datasets to CBS microdata, the CBS uploading procedure must be followed to ensure safe uploading.
Publishing research findings
Publishing research findings
The results of your research will be assessed by CBS for disclosure risk before they can be published. CBS considers all information you wish to take outside the secured RA environment an export. If you wish to export results from the secured environment, CBS will verify that the results do not contain any identifiable data. Read more about the export of data from the Remote Access Environment in CBS microdata output guidelines.
After completion, CBS will archive your project and close your account. The research findings on CBS microdata must be published publicly immediately after completion of the research. Your publications must quote CBS as a source. Make sure you inform CBS of the references of all publications of your research.
Step-by-step plan
When you intend to include CBS microdata in your research data management plan (RDMP), we advise the following steps:
Start with designing your research project and defining your research questions.
Orient yourself on your data requirements and the available data via the CBS microdata catalogue.
Prepare a concept CBS-data plan with a specification of microdata needed, the data that will be uploaded, and the costs involved, using the data catalogue and the services catalogue.
Consult with the DCC on matters concerning procedures, privacy and publication (FAIR data) and alignment of your concept CBS-data plan with your overall RDMP.
Discuss your concept plans and CBS templates with your supervisor or colleagues, to finalise the input required by CBS for your research application.
Check with your faculty on how to obtain approval for your research application (including costs and funding).
Fill out the templates provided by CBS.
Submit your application and have it formally agreed upon with a signed project contract, including a confidentiality statement.
Start working with the CBS microdata and follow the CBS procedures.
Cooperation opportunities beyond microdata
The framework contract between the University of Groningen and Statistics Netherlands (CBS) facilitates more opportunities besides the use of microdata. Typical topics that are of special interest are data in relation to current societal challenges; improved access and use of CBS data in a secure and ethically sound manner; maintenance of high-quality of data in view of societal and technical changes. The CBS Multi-annual Programme 2024-2028 elaborates on these three themes.
The DCC mediates in cooperation between the UG and the CBS starting up
Internships for master students
Research projects for PhD's
Commissioned research projects by CBS
Joint research projects
Secondment of scientific staff
Examples of recent joint projects are:
Alumni: By correlating CBS microdata with data from other sources, we will investigate how to get a clearer view of the life trajectory of alumni of the University of Groningen. We will be able to answer questions about their professional development, their location, and assess the factors influencing the development of their career.
Child abuse: This pilot project is a collaboration with the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences. It aims to identify the influence of various interventions on the long-term well-being of children. By linking the Statistics Netherlands data with other data sources, such as the Dutch Council for Child Protection, insights can be gained into the life trajectory of children who have been previously removed from their homes.
Last modified: | 18 September 2024 1.47 p.m. |