Ben je geïnteresseerd in film, muziek of theater? Discussieer je graag over wat kunst eigenlijk is, of hoe je een specifieke film, een popnummer of een theatervoorstelling moet interpreteren? Lijkt het je interessant om de effecten van kunst en media op de maatschappij te bestuderen?
Bij Kunst, Cultuur en Media krijg je (a) een dieper analytisch, historisch en theoretisch inzicht in twee van de volgende kunstvormen: film, muziek, theater/levende kunst, beeldende kunst of literatuur; en (b) gespecialiseerde wetenschappelijke kennis binnen een van de twee volgende specialisaties: ‘Arts, Policy and Cultural Entrepreneurship’ of ‘Arts Analysis and Criticism.’ Deze brede multi- en interdisciplinaire combinatie is uniek voor deze opleiding.
In deze opleiding leer je kunstwerken, variërend van romans en videoclips tot films en computerspellen, op een wetenschappelijke manier te bestuderen. Je bekijkt hoe ze geproduceerd, gedistribueerd, gebruikt, ervaren, gewaardeerd en maatschappelijk ingebed worden. Als afgestudeerde van deze opleiding kun je terecht in diverse functies op het gebied van kunst en media.
Als student schrijf je je in voor een of twee van de kunstdisciplines die binnen de afdeling worden aangeboden: Film, Theater en/of Muziek. Literatuur en Visuele kunsten kunnen alleen als tweede kunstdiscipline worden gekozen.
Een aantal actuele thema’s op het gebied van kunst in de maatschappij is te vinden in onze blog.
Kunst, Cultuur en Media onderwijs en onderzoek staf.
Meld je nu aan voor de Open Dag op vrijdag 31 januari!Hi, my name is Pierre Bentz and I am 21 years old. I have been studying Arts, Culture and Media at the University of Groningen since 2022, this is my fourth year in the city. I moved directly to Groningen after completing highschool in Strasbourg, France. I love working on many projects at the same time and getting involved in everything that sparks an interest in me!
I have always been more of an ‘arts person’. At first, I preferred to keep the arts as a hobby but I soon realized that studying something you love is *the way to go*. Enjoying what you study is the most important factor in choosing a potential programme: it will make your life as a student way easier. Arts, Culture and Media, is a theoretical programme that encompasses a very large range of topics regarding the arts and the society that engages with them. Starting off with courses that set the foundation for the knowledge you will use during your bachelor, you are quickly able to specialise in two disciplines to focus on: I chose Music and Visual Arts. You do not need to produce art yourself for this Bachelor which is an important point to note. I myself play music but someone with no knowledge on the topic could excel at the course as much as someone who has been playing an instrument for years.
Read more about Pierre and why he chose to studie Arts, Media and Culture in Groningen!Hello! My name is Max van der Kooi and I am an Arts, Culture and Media (ACM) student. I am currently in my second year, specializing in Music and Visual Arts. Outside of my studies, I work part-time and I am a member of the Study Association IK. When I am not busy with work or studies, I game with friends or sometimes work on music at home.
Arts, Culture and Media spoke to me because of its variety of topics. I have an appreciation for all different types of art, but some interest me more than others do, so being able to focus on the disciplines I have the most interest in really stood out to me. The programme also lets you choose a specialization in the second year: Arts, Analysis and Criticism, or Arts, Policy and Cultural Entrepreneurship. I chose for Arts, Policy and Cultural Entrepreneurship, because of my interest in event management and the community aspects of art. The programme does not ask you to be ‘’good’’ at producing art, which I also like. I have tried making my own music, but I would not dare to send it to someone.
Hi there! My name is Giulia Cristofoli and I am an Arts, Culture and Media (ACM) student specializing in Theatre and Literature. I am from Brazil and this is my 3rd year living in Groningen. Asides from my studies, I work part-time, but I have also started an art magazine. My favourite hobby is taking dance lessons. I also enjoy reading, spending my days in the sun and hanging out with my friends.
What attracted me to ACM was the variety of topics covered by the course. I love art in general and I found it difficult to only focus on one discipline. The programme allowed me to choose two art disciplines to delve deeper without letting go of the others. It was the perfect opportunity to investigate the world of art in a broader context and still get into specifics on my preferred topics. The way the course was organized enabled me to first get a taste of the options and then choose within my range of interests. Not to mention that ACM was a way for me to stay close to what I love – art – without necessarily having to produce art (let us just say that I am not a gifted artistic genius).
Hello! My name is Andreea and I am from Romania. I study Arts, Culture and Media with a specialization in Music and Film. If I am not studying, you will probably see me enjoying an artistic event or volunteering at a cultural or student organization. I am interested in a variety of topics, from law to religion to fashion, so if you need a conversation partner, do not hesitate to contact me!
I chose to study Arts, Culture and Media because I have always been interested in art although I was never the best at creating it. I could spend hours on end at an art gallery even if my painting skills were never above average and I wholeheartedly appreciate early rock music despite the fact that I cannot play an instrument. Consequently, this degree represented the perfect way for me to establish a relationship with art and to be able to approach it from a theoretical standpoint, inevitably deepening my passion for it.
Zit je op het vwo en wil je graag weten hoe dat is, studeren? De opleiding Kunsten, Cultuur en Media (KCM) biedt een webklas aan! Een webklas is een door de RUG gemaakte online cursus voor scholieren uit 5 en 6 vwo. Je kunt in zo'n cursus in tien studielasturen kennismaken met KCM door teksten te lezen, opdrachten te maken en met elkaar en de docent te discussiëren.
Interesse? Meld je dan aan voor de webklas.