Hoe is Donald Trump president van de Verenigde Staten geworden? Waarom worden de sneakers van Nike geassocieerd met Black Lives Matter? Hoe is wapenbezit een centrale kwestie geworden in de Amerikaanse politiek? Wat bedoelen mensen precies als ze zeggen dat gender 'performatief' is?
Bij American Studies leer je alles over de populaire cultuur, politiek, geschiedenis, literatuur, economie, raciale verhoudingen en religies van de Verenigde Staten. Ook bestudeer je de verbanden tussen Noord-, Midden- en Zuid-Amerika en de rest van de wereld. American Studies is niet puur gericht op ‘Amerika’. Door het internationale karakter en inter-Amerikaanse perspectief bereidt deze opleiding je voor op een internationale carrière.
De gehele opleiding wordt in het Engels gegeven door een internationaal team van topdocenten die je kennis laten maken met diverse wetenschappelijke disciplines. De VS is weliswaar je ‘case study’, maar de schrijf-, spreek- en onderzoekvaardigheden die je tijdens de opleiding opdoet zijn ook toepasbaar in andere gebieden dan de Amerikaanse cultuur en politiek.
De Verenigde Staten, ooit beschouwd als ‘het land van de toekomst’, is ’s werelds oudste ononderbroken democratie. Tijdens de bacheloropleiding American Studies leer je actuele politieke en maatschappelijke debatten beter te begrijpen, zodat je je als geïnformeerde burger in eigen land en de wereld kunt bewegen.
Meld je nu aan voor de Open Dag op vrijdag 31 januari!Hi! My name is Lynn Barsema, I am twenty-two years old and currently a second year American Studies Bachelor's student. I was born and raised in Groningen and currently live just outside the city. My hobbies include playing and listening to music - I play bass guitar - as well as hanging out with friends, and watching movies.
I chose American Studies because of how broad and interdisciplinary it is. I love writing and after visiting an Open Day the contents of the courses convinced me to choose the study. I was excited about the combination of different disciplines and how interconnected all the different subjects are. Within the courses we rarely focus on just one discipline. Instead, we look at history, literature, sociology, politics, economics, art, and more. This allows us to explore subjects we are interested in without the boundaries of a fixed field of research. One of the aspects that really cemented my choice to study American Studies is this freedom to explore and decide on what you want to do independently. This varies from course to course but throughout everything you get a lot of opportunities to pick subjects you are interested in. While a lot of the program focuses on the US we also talk about Latin America, the Caribbean and Canada which offer some nice variety. Furthermore, the issues we look at in the US can be applied to different countries as well. For me the US is an interesting place because they have some of the issues we encounter here in Europe as well, just on a much larger scale. One last exciting aspect of American Studies is the Minor Abroad, which allows you to complete part of your degree in the US (or another country in the Americas). I am planning on going next year and am excited to be able to experience American culture in real life instead of just learning about it from a classroom.
Read more about Lynn and why she chose to study American Studies in Groningen!
Hi! My name is Rutger Renkema, I am twenty years old and currently in my third year of the Bachelor American Studies. I have been living in Groningen since 2022, after moving here from Steenwijk. I love to go out to get coffee with friends and thrifting. My favorite movie is Scream – a movie that you can watch for one of the American Studies courses!
I chose American Studies because of its diversity and interdisciplinarity, and my broader interest in American culture and politics. I was pleasantly surprised how you are not just studying history, politics, economics or sociology, but all of these, simultaneously. American Studies is a field that thrives on interdisciplinary exploration. Instead of confining yourself to a single perspective, branch out and immerse yourself in history, literature, sociology, politics, art, and more. You can really dive into the hidden corners of American history and uncover narratives that challenge conventional ideas. You also dig into the stories of underrepresented communities, women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and other marginalized groups whose stories have often been overlooked. During high school, I always thought the United States was really interesting, and really had an interest in it. This doesn’t mean that you have to be extremely interested in the US of course. It often shows more extreme forms of social problems we encounter here in Europe, which is why this study is more relevant to non-Americans than you might think. You also get to study Latin America and Canada, which is a great bonus! I am also planning on doing my minor in the US, which is a unique opportunity to live in the US and experience the culture firsthand. You also get priority to go to American universities over other students.
Hi! My name is Eline Santema, I am twenty years old and currently in my third and last year of the Bachelor American Studies. I was born and raised in the beautiful province of Friesland and commute to Groningen for my classes. I love to sing, go out to get coffee with friends and I am trying to write a romance novel in my free time. My favorite movie is - of course - Legally Blonde.
I chose American Studies because of its diverse and interdisciplinary program. I love the fact that you are not just studying history, politics, economics or sociology, but all of these at the same time! During high school, I always thought the United States was an interesting nation, but I never had a “special” interest in it. This completely changed when I started studying American Studies. The United States is such a diverse and fascinating country, in both positive and negative ways. It often shows more extreme forms of social problems we encounter here in Europe, which is why this study is more relevant to non-Americans than you might think. You also get to study Latin America and Canada, which is a great bonus!
Hi! My name is Chloë. By the time you can find this little piece on the student ambassadors page I am twenty-two years old and a second-year BA American Studies student. I grew up in Germany and the Netherlands, and I am currently living in Groningen. Next to my studies I spend time in the Crossfit gym, I go for walks and runs, and I have an additional job. I also love to read books and watch movies/tv shows, and live life to the fullest with my best friends and family.
Before applying for American Studies at the UG, I attempted studying International Studies in The Hague and European Law in Maastricht. However, neither were the perfect fit and so I dropped out. I knew I wanted to study something with a certain international aspect, since international communities, politics, economics, history, cultures, etc. really interest me. The BA American Studies consists of this aspect and all these territories, and combined with the fact that program is really small (everyone knows everyone, teachers included, and you'll easily become friends with your fellow students), yet very highly regarded, made me apply. Students develop academic/research skills to an incredible extent, which is of course super handy for your future career. Besides, we have a very active study association (EPU) that organizes a ton of great events. In addition, joining (one of) their commissions provides you with amazing experiences and memories.