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Daan Hulshof

“Investors in green energy make a lot of profit from subsidies”

Date:16 April 2021
“My analysis of the Dutch subsidy system shows that many investors in renewable energy need a lot less subsidy than they actually receive. This ensures that these investors achieve relatively high profits, or "excess profits", on their subsidized projects. I have now calculated that the excess profits amount to more than 30% for any (profitable) project. In practice, however, investors do not randomly choose their projects, but rather know how to choose the most profitable projects. As a result, the excess profits of the projects actually undertaken amount to as much as 50%.
Assistant Professor Coen Heijes

Blackface, Shakespeare and Dutch theatre

Date:07 April 2021

Over the past years, Coen Heijes’s research has focused on the interrelationship between blackface, race and the theatre industry. Using Shakespeare productions of Othello as a case study, he demonstrated in his latest monograph, published by Cambridge...

Young people, Covid19 and burn out

Young people, Covid19 and burn-out

Date:30 March 2021

Since the introduction of the Covid19 pandemic, there has certainly been a discussion about the young people. Young people would feel the consequences of the (intelligent) lock-down even more strongly. They no longer go outside, can no longer meet their...

Professor Jana Oehmichen and associate professor Sebastian Firk

Why we need more investor dedication

Date:25 March 2021

Some of the most unique firms such as Tesla and Facebook seem to be concerned about the influence of the capital market on their firms’ strategies. Some time ago, Tesla threatened to delist to pursue a more long-term oriented strategy without the...

Jessica de Bloom (photo by Nienke Maat)

How to spend your vacation during Covid19?

Date:23 March 2021

This past summer, during the covid-19 pandemic, our vacation might not have been what we planned for. You may have chosen a different destination or even opted to stay home. Now that we are looking forward to planning our summer vacation 2021, with the...

Jenny van Doorn and a social robot

Robots to the rescue?

Date:16 March 2021

Social interaction between robots and humans is something we will have to get used to. In our health care system, investments in these robots are rising, especially during the covid-19 pandemic as it is harder to get enough personnel. The robots can...


Go Vote!

Date:09 March 2021
If you believe the rational choice voting theory of Anthony Downs (Downs, 1957) a professor that doesn't vote, realizes that the benefit of voting does not outweigh the costs of travelling to the voting station, since her/his vote is most likely not going to be decisive for the election outcome. There is a problem though. According to this theory nobody would vote. 
The cost of the COVID19 pandemic

The cost of the COVID19 pandemic

Date:04 March 2021

15 March 2020; the day that the Netherlands went into lockdown. The one-year anniversary is around the corner. What does the COVID19 crisis and the COVID19 vaccinations cost the Netherlands? Maarten Postma, professor of Global Health Economics, does the...

Dr Pedro de Faria

Doing research in times of a pandemic

Date:11 February 2021

Over the past couple of months, Pedro de Faria’s research was influenced by the covid-19 pandemic. Together with his colleagues, Bart Los and Florian Noseleit, he published two FEB blog articles about the pandemic. FEB Research asked him to tell more about...

Professor Gerard van den Berg

Back in Groningen: Gerard van den Berg

Date:23 January 2021

After his time as a student at the Faculty of Economics, Gerard van den Berg, Professor of Health Econometrics, is back in Groningen. Van den Berg is well-known for his research on the long-run effects of conditions very early in life (economic condition,...